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Sam walked over to Colby and sat next to him. "Hi" Colby looks at him. "Hey" Sam smiled at him "so um.. Colby.. can you come with me when i get called into the office?" Sam asks shyly.

"I mean I can.. why are you asking me though? I mean everyone is scared of me.." Colby looked at Sam confused. Sam could see something is Colby's eyes. A shine of... hope maybe? "I feel... safe around you. I'm not scared at all" Sam smiles softly looking down.

"Samuel Golbach, that doctor is waiting!" A guard yells from the doorway, Sam stands up and latches onto Colby's arm. They both walk to the door "Colby is coming with me. Or else im not going." The guard moves over letting the two boys pass into the office.

"Samuel is it?" The doctor asks looking at his board "I prefer Sam. Colby is staying with me" the doctor looks up at Colby and smiles "its nice to see you again Cole" Colby looks at Sam.

"So Sam, why are you here?" Sam looks down.


I was laying in bed watching my little sister as she was playing with her toys. She is only 2 years old so she needed a babysitter. As I looked over she seemed distracted, peacefully playing with her toys. So I went upstairs.

I heard the voices again. Telling me im worthless. Hating me, calling me names. I went upstairs and grabbed my razors, as I made incisions I started hearing crying so I tried to clean my wounds before i heard loud footsteps coming up the stairs. Soon the bathroom door was opened and my father stood at the door.

"I-im sorry... I.." My father grabbed my arm roughly pulling me downstairs. He threw me on the couch and told my mom to call them. My mom came over to me and smacked me "you were supposed to watch her. Not be selfish." Then she called someone. I couldn't hear who it was. A while later I heard a knock at the door. I was banging on the door I was locked behind screaming to let me out.

You see my form of punishment was to be locked in a small closet. It happened every week. Soon the door opened, I saw a person in all white. They took me to their van and put me in the back. I wasnt going to argue. I didn't even know where I was going.

Anywhere to get away from my parents. You see im not crazy but I grew up in a place that could drive you insane. Just as I was about to ask the man a question I saw us pull up to a huge building. I was led inside, I was scared I didn't know where I was. All I heard was screams and laughter. The put me in a room with nothing.



As Sam told the story he saw Colby watching him. Suddenly he felt his hand being grabbed, Colby had grabbed his hand and held it. The doctor looked at the boys and wrote something down on his board.

"So you self harmed yourself. Am I understanding that right Sam?" Sam nodded at the doctor.

"Sam im going to continue with the routinely check up. I do this with all patients and it can be awkward with someone else in the room. Would you like Colby to stay?" Sam nodded and held his hand tighter.

"Alright Sam are you sexually active?" Sam shook his head "no sir" the doctor nodded and wrote it down. "What is your sexual orientation?" Sam cleared his throat "I um.. gay.." the doctor nodded and wrote it down. "Have you ever had suicidal thoughts or tendencies?" Sam looked at Colby "no sir I havent" the doctor looked up and smiled. "That will be all for today. Colby while your here we can do your checkup if you'd like?" Colby nodded.

"Okay.. can he stay?" The doctor nodded. And flipped through his papers finding Colby's.

"Alright Colby. How are you feeling?" The doctor looked at Colby. "Good" Colby replied. "Have you blacked out or harmed anyone lately?" Colby cleared his throat "not for a few days.. I killed a guard a few days back..." the doctor nodded. "What treatments have they been giving you?" Colby licked his lips "like medication or..?" The doctor looked at Colby "yes, they aren't supposed to do anything else" Colby looked down "they don't give me medication anymore.. recently they have given me sedatives and a chair..." the doctor looked at him shocked.

"They have been drugging and electrocuting you?" Colby nodded. The doctor wrote it down and looked at him. "Final question, has your mother visited yet?" Sam could feel Colby tense up so he rubbed his thumb across his hand. Colby shook his head "no" the doctor nodded. "You are both free to go. I'll see you next week." The boys stood up and left.

"So gay huh?" Sam gently pushed Colby making him laugh softly. "Colby why are you here?" Colby licked his lips and looked at Sam. "I got angry when my father tried to hit my mom.. I started punching my father and I didn't stop until she pulled me off..." Sam looked at Colby.

"You are in here for protecting your mom?" Colby nodded and went back into the activity room with Sam's hand in his. "I expected her to visit but.. she never did and I was left alone" Sam sat down with him and hugged him. "Now you aren't alone. I'm here" Colby smiled before looking at Sam. "Can I ask how old you are?" Sam looked at Colby "I am 17" Sam said with a smile.

"Oh really? I'm 18" Colby smiled at Sam. Colby looked over at the door to see Jake slowly walk in, looking down at the ground. "Jake just walked in" Sam looked over towards the door and walked over to him letting go of Colby's hand.

"Jake hey" Jake looked at Sam "hey.." Sam smiled "come sit with us?" Jake looked confused "us?" Sam nodded and gently pulled Jake to where Colby was sitting. "Oh..." Jake mumbled. Sam took Colby's hand in his again.

The three boys having a conversation. Before they heard the guard yell for them to go to their rooms. Sam said his goodbyes to Colby, for some reason not wanting to leave him. Maybe he was falling in love?

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