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There is something about Colby that is.. what is that word? Delicious? No. The word can't be thought of right now. He is very alluring. He draws you in and makes you wonder about him. He is fascinating, they way he acts. The way he looks at people. He has this way with his eyes that when he looks at you it's like he stares into your soul. It can be very alarming to some people but to Sam, to Sam its very captivating. 

Colby is very enticing. That's the word enticing! There is something about Colby that is very pleasing to Sam. He needs to learn more about the brunette boy. 

Sam leaned against the wall in his room, thinking about what Jake said. He knows he shouldnt snoop around in someone else's life but he can't help it. He is curious. Theres this force that Sam feels to just get close to this boy and figure him out. 

"Room check!" The new guard yells as he walks down the hall. Seeing his door open Sam steps out. He sees two guards going through and checking every patients room. He looks down the hall and see Colby leaning against the wall outside of his room. He is handcuffed and hidden behind the bars separating the two wards. Sam looks away as he sees Colby begin to look at him. Jake comes up to Sam and smiles "hey there" sam hums.

"Why are they doing a room check?" Sam says as he stares at a guard. "They do one every week like clockwork. Same day. Same time. Its to make sure there is nothing in your room that isn't supposed to be there" Jake looks at Colby who is taunting the guards "like Colby. Bets are he has some weapon in his area." Sam looks at Jake and then looks at Colby "what is he doing?" Jake sighs "taunting. My guess is he has a plan on doing something stupid." Sam walks over to the bars and over to Colby "you will go straight back to that chair" Colby looks at him "so? If I can escape this place then it will all be worth it. Will it not?" Sam shakes his head "while escaping is very tempting. It will not end well for you Colby" he turns his body to the bars and grabs them "back off new kid." Sam hums.

"Or what?" Colby chuckles darkly as the guard grabs him roughly "you don't want to find out." The guard pushes Colby back to his room and uncuffs him. Sam walks back over to Jake. "You just challenged Colby... no one has ever done that" sam shrugs "he is just a human. See you tomorrow" sam says as he goes back into his room.


Colby leaned against the wall in his room "what the hell is happening to me" he mumbled to himself and looked at his hands. "Its like I cant hurt him." He mumbled before throwing himself down on his mattress. Soon after falling asleep Colby wakes up to the sound of crying coming from the ward next to his. He sighed and sat up on his bed. He stood up and went to the desk pulling out a piece of paper and a pen. He began writing. As soon as he was done with the note he picked it up and folded it into four then put it in his pocket.

Colby laid back down on the bed a massaged his wrist gently. His wrists bruised from the handcuffs the guards put on him. He sighed before thoughts filled his head making him smirk. And began singing softly before falling asleep again. The crying ceased.

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