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"Jake Webber the doctor would like to see you!" The guard known as Tate yelled. Jake pushed himself off the wall and walked into the office.

"Ah Jake, nice of you to come see me today. Take a seat" Jake sat down as he looked at the doctor.

"May I ask what im here for?" Jake watched as the doctor grabbed a paper from a folder on his desk. "Do you remember why you were sent here Jake?" Jake cleared his throat before looking down, shaking his head.

"I really wish I did. I try to remember. I only remember bits and pieces." Jake looked at the doctor as a paper was slid his way. He picked it up and looked at it. It was a list of names, he saw his brother's name on it.

"I'm sorry is this some sick fucking joke?" Jake slammed the paper down on the desk furiously.

"Do you know what those names are from?" Jake glared at the doctor shaking his head "victims of a very sick individual" the doctor chuckled.

"This file right here on my desk. It belongs to the file of a person who killed a total of 31 people. Including your older brother. Now Jake please sit down and I will tell you why I brought you here." Jake nodded slowly before sitting down.

"Good. Now that we are calm. I'm going to give you a piece of paper with the details of what happened to your brother." Jake shook his head biting his lip as the paper was given to him.

Jake gulped as he looked at the paper.

"Neil Webber, Age 18

Cause of deathBroken Neck

Neil's  body was found at the high school. His body was severely damaged. Murderer placed body to seem as a suicide. Neil had a noose tied around his neck and was thrown from the gym balcony the force from being pushed broke his neck."

Jake threw the paper on the desk covering his mouth as silent cries escaped his mouth.

"Who did this to him? Please.." Jake looked at the doctor, tears running down his face.

"When you got here, you told me that you ran home quickly after a boy helped you from having a panic attack. Has you ran out of that school gun shots went of. Do you remember that?" Jake nodded quietly as he wiped his face.

"Do you remember the name that boy told you?" Jake looked at the doctor confused and shook his head.

"I don't im sorry. Whats the point of this?" The doctor smiled at Jake and grabbed his file. "Jake you told me, that you bumped into a girl by the name of Tara.

She made a comment about your brother which threw you into a panic attack. You hid in the bathroom. A boy came in and helped you out and stopped that panic attack. He told you his name was Colby. Then you said he told you to go home. As you ran out that door shots were fired." Jake's head shot up quickly.

"Colby? As in Brock?" The doctor nodded. "Now Jake, when you heard those shots. It was fatal to seven teenagers and one teacher. A total of eight people were killed that day. You never heard about it because you were sent here." Jake looked at the doctor shocked. 

"Jake, Colby has killed a total of 31 people. And when I say that do you understand what I mean?" The doctor closed the file.

"Are you saying he killed my brother?" Jake looked numb as he saw the doctor nod. "Youre lying. Colby doesn't remember anything he has done. He is innocent" the doctor shook his head as he shoved Colby's file to him. Jake mindlessly reading through it. 

"He knows what he did?! He's been fucking faking his black outs?!" Jake stood up and walked out the door and immediately into the activity. Sam looked over to see Jake looking angry.

"Hey Colby." Jake yelled making Colby look over at him confused. Jake slammed him against the wall.

"You fucking piece of shit. How could you act like my friend?" Sam pulled Jake off Colby.

"Dude what the fuck are you talking about? I am your friend." Jake scoffed and looked at Colby.

"31 innocent people you killed. My brother. You killed. You. You are a fucking psychopath. You shot up MY school. You killed eight fucking people. You mutilated your fucking stepfather. You deserve to fucking rot in here." Colby looked at Jake shocked.

"Oh and Sam. Did you know about this? Is that why you asked me about him? Oh and Brennen! You killed his Brother during that shooting." Colby looked at Brennen then at Sam.

"Sam.. did you know..." Colby asked him softly. Sam looked down and nodded as he stepped away from him. Colby looked at Jake.

"Well I guess the cats out of the bag then. Yeah I killed them. And I liked it a lot. God Jake you should have seen your brother when I threw him off the balcony. Priceless." Colby smirked at Jake. Sam grabbed Jake's arm and pushed him away from Colby.

"Down tiger." Sam looked at Colby "you. Dont ever fucking talk to me again." Colby looked at Sam shocked.

"You can't be fucking serious! I never hurt you once. I love you" Colby tried to grab Sam's hand only to be slammed against the wall by a guard.

"I hate you Cole." Sam turned away as Colby was taken out of the room. Jake pulled him into his chest as Sam cried.

I love you too Colby.. Sam thought as he cried. 

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