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"Let me out please!!" Sam screamed as he banged on the door. Colby put his forehead against the door. A tear running down his cheek. 

"I'm sorry.. I love you..." Colby whispered, stepping away from the door. He quickly walked out of the house.

Sam slid down the door, tears running down his face. "I thought you loved me... you liar!" Sam screamed. He looked around the small space.

"Colby.. please let me out... I'm scared..." Sam whispered, his hands shaking. Hours of silence went by before he heard the door to the house open. 

"Colby? Colby let me out!" Sam yelled and he banged on the door again. He heard movement around the house. No voices. Sam tried to open the door. It never budged. 

Colby sat on the couch, looking around. He hummed, quietly starting to sing to himself. He pulled a lighter out of his pocket, flicking it on. 

The door to the house opened, revealing a tan boy.

"Brennen! My old friend. How kind of you to join me." Colby smirked. His eyes never leaving the flame.

"Is that what you think im here for? A little heart to heart?" Brennen asked, a gun in his hand.

"How fun would it be to be shot in the head? Go out the same way your brother did. That's no fun." Colby said as he let the flame go out. He looked over at the boy. 

"I should kill you right now. You sick piece of shit." Brennen said, his words full of hate.

"Where's the fun in that? Lets reminisce! Ill start. When i was a child, i use to look up to you. I mean look at you. Attractive. A perfect life." Colby says, standing up. 

"Is this just a joke to you?" Brennen said, loading the gun. 

"Lets play Russian roulette. Wouldn't that be fun?" Colby said, playing with the lighter. 

"Fun time is over Cole." Brennen said, pointing the gun at Colby. 

"So who ratted me out? Was it Jake?" Colby asked, watching the flame erupt from the lighter.

"Lets recap. You show up to my house. I tell you we can't be friends. You go crazy and shoot my brother. So I decided, an eye for an eye." Brennen smirked, as Colby looked up at him. "Oh did I hit a soft spot mammas boy?" Brennen chuckled.

"What did you do to her" Colby asked angrily. Brennen smirked. 

"Now we are getting to the fun part! You wanna know what I did to her? I tied her up. Then boom. A bullet through the head." Brennen laughed. "She died hating you. Her mistake of a son. A fucking psychopath." He continued. 

Colby stared at Brennen, hatred filling his eyes. "Where's loverboy? I might kill him too" Brennen smirked.

"Not here. He left. What a shame you couldn't properly meet him." Colby replied, walking around Brennen. 

Brennen watched the boy carefully.

"Definitely well-built, aren't you? Grew up quite nicely." Colby said as he looked Brennen over. 

Sam sat in the closet, his ear pressed against the door as he listened to the boys talk. His hands shaking, breathing heavily.

Brennen looked around the room carefully. "Youre stalling. What are you waiting for?" He said. His eyes landing back on the boy.

"What are you waiting for?" Colby smirked. "Put a bullet in my head Taylor" he whispered in the boys ear.

Brennen turned around, fully facing the boy. Colby took a step away from the tan boy, his back touching the wall. He pulled out a small box of matches, igniting one of them.

Colby watches the flame, smirking. He looks at Brennen. 

"Boom." He whispers, dropping the match. The room igniting into flames.

The house quickly caught flame. Gasoline poured all over the house. The gas from the stove filled the kitchen. Smoke slowly seeping into the closet. 

Sam coughed, covering his mouth as the smell filled his nose. He touched the door, his hand turning warm.

The door started catching flame.

"Colby!" Sam screamed. A loud explosion made him scream louder. He fell to his knees, tears running down his face. The flames started flowing into the room. 

Sam quickly backed away, his back hitting the wall behind him. The clothes catching flame. Sam looked around the room frantically. He didn't want to die. The smoke filled his lungs, making it harder to breathe.

Sam harshly gasping for breath. Darkness started covering his vision. 

He saw black. Sam fell unconscious 

It was silent.

 A beep filled his ears. A constant beeping. 

His vision slowly came back to him. A white ceiling. White walls. A heart monitor. He was in a hospital.

A girl came into the room, looking at Sam. 

"Hey there. You're awake, do you remember anything?" The nurse asked. 

Sam looked around quickly. "Where's Colby?" He asked, his eyes landing on the nurse. 

"Is that someone you've met?" The nurse asked. Sam stared at her.

"My boyfriend.. he's my boyfriend.." Sam said. The nurse looked at him confused.

"Do you remember what happened?" The nurse asked. Sam shook his head slightly.

"Your home was raided, they found you in a closet. You were barely breathing. Your parents were arrested and you were brought into surgery. You were in a coma." The nurse said carefully. Sam stared at her.

"No... my parents sent me away... I met my boyfriend and we escaped... we were in Hawaii.... fire.. the house caught fire..." Sam explained. The nurse looked away, writing something down on her paper.

"I'm sorry Sam but that didn't happen." The nurse said. He sat on the bed staring at her.

Sam felt his walls crumbling down. It was all so real to him. 

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