Get away

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Sam sat on the floor, legs pulled up to his chest. His face hidden in his knees, he sighed. He heard running coming up the stairs. 

"Come on Sam get up" Sam looked over seeing Elton standing there. Sam put his head against the wall, licking his lips. Elton held out his hand, Sam grabbed it before standing up.

"He left.." Sam mumbled. Elton nodded and hugged the blonde boy.

"I know where he's going, I bought an extra ticket for you. You can go get him" Elton said quietly. Sam wiped his eyes and looked up at Elton. 

"He um... he doesn't want me to go..." Sam said quietly making Elton look down at him. 

"You are going. He needs someone to keep him sane" Sam nodded slowly before going in his room, packing his bags. 

Knocking erupted through the house. Police sirens sounded. Elton walked downstairs quickly, opening the door. 

"Where is he?" The police officer said, gun loaded. Elton put his hands up. 

"Who?" Elton said calmly as Sam walks downstairs.

"Cole Brock. He escaped from his cell last night. Killed our guards. We have orders to shoot on sight. If you are holding him we will have to take you in as well." The police officer said.

"Sir he is not here. We had no idea he escaped." Sam looked at Elton and nodded. "You may check the house" Elton looked at Sam.

The police charged into the house, searching each room throughly. Finding nothing they walked back to Elton and Sam. "If you get any sight of him, call us. He's set to go in the chair." Sam gasped and looked at Elton. 

Sam covered his mouth before going to the kitchen. Leaning against the counter, tears roll down his cheeks. Wiping them quickly, Sam stood up straight. Swinging his bag over his shoulder and walking back to the door. 

Elton looked at the blonde and hugged him. "Be careful please." Sam nodded and smiled before walking out the door, closing it behind him. He got into a car, driving to the airport. Sam looked down at his ticket, Hawaii. He's never been to Hawaii. He got out of the car and goes to check in. 

Looking around he spotted a boy leaning against the wall, looking at the ground. Sam noticed the boy had built arms, blue hair and a perfect jaw line. He smiled walking over to the boy. 

Sam leaned against the wall next to him making the boy look up. "I told you to stay home" Sam looked at him and shrugged.

"I didn't listen. I told you I would be there for you. No matter what and pining me against the wall isn't going to stop me." Colby shook his head. 

"If I get caught. You are going to jail. And you have the perfect body for the people in there" Colby turned towards Sam and put his hand against the wall next to the blondes head. 

Leaning into Sam's ear the brunette whispered "and this body is only mine." Sam looked up at Colby, mouth agape. 

Sam grabbed Colby's face, kissing him roughly. Colby grabbed his waist pulling the blonde closer to him. 

The kiss quickly turning into a make out session. Colby ran his hand down the Sam's ass, grabbing it softly. Sam moaned softly into the brunettes mouth. 

Colby pulled away, smirking. Sam blushed and wrapped his hands around his boyfriend's neck. 

"Does this mean I can go?" Colby nodded. Moving his hand up Sam's side feeling something hard tucked into the back of his pants. Colby looked at the blonde confused.

"What do you have?" Sam bite his lip gently looking down. Colby slid his shirt up slightly, revealing the shiny metal. Sam blushed softly.

Colby smirked "where in the world did you get that?" Sam bit his lip.

"I may have stolen it..." Colby chuckled and wrapped his arm around Sam. 

"How did you get that passed security?" Colby said quietly. Sam looks up at Colby. 

"I took it from the officer when he wasnt paying attention" Sam said quietly making Colby smirk. 

"That's my boy" Colby grabbed Sams hand. Hearing their plane being called, the boys walked over to the gate. 

Boarding the plane, Colby looked at Sam. Smiling softly, Sam leaned up kissing his boyfriend softly.

"I love you" Sam smiled. Colby chuckled softly, leaning down and kissing the blonde.

"I love you too." Colby whispered against the boys lips. 

The two boys shared a sweet kiss as the plane took off. Making their escape unnoticed. 

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