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Sam sighs as he walked to the activity room. He spots Jake in the corner of the room, he notices that he looks upset.

"Whats up Jake?" Sam asked as he walked over to him.

"Didnt you hear? They found out that Colby escaped. They are sending out a search for him." Jake looked at Sam "I know I should hate him but he was a really good friend to me.. he had the chance to kill me but he let me leave. Sam do you know anything about his escape at all?" Sam shook his head.

"I don't know anything about it. I'm sorry." He lied. "How did he escape?"

"I guess they think Dr. Castee helped him escape." Jake shrugged.

Sam looked around the room at the guards "does he still work here?" Jake nodded.

"Yeah, they have an open investigation on him" Sam nodded and looked at Jake. He stood up and walked to a guard.

"Can I see the doctor? I need to talk to him.." the guard nodded and led Sam to the office. He opened the door and walked in before shutting it behind him.

"If you lose your job how am I getting out of here? You promised I would escape." Sam looked at Elton.

"Sam, when I leave im taking you with me. I'm not leaving you behind." Elton said quietly. He grabbed Sam's file, along with the copy.

"Jake comes with" Sam said suddenly making Elton look at him.

"Jake and Colby will be at each others throats, Sam. There is only one room left and that's yours. I'm sorry Sam." Elton said before grabbing some papers.

"Jake goes with or I don't go. I will stay in the room with Colby." Elton sighs and nods his head.

"Fine. But itll be harder to get out. And if Jake and Colby fight than serious precautions will come into play." Sam smiles and nods his head.

Sam leaves the room and walks back into the activity room. Sam smiles as he walks up to Jake.

"We are leaving today" Sam whispers to Jake making him look at Sam.

"I'm sorry what?" Jake whispers back. "Jake. We are getting out today. Me and you. Elton is getting us out and taking us to a safe place." Sam smiles.

"That's where Colby is.. isn't it?" Sam nodded and looked down.

"Okay. Okay fine. When are we leaving?" Jake whispers to Sam. Suddenly the door opens revealing Elton. "Can I have Jake and Sam come with me please?" Sam looks at Jake as they both stand up and walk over to him.

Elton walks both boys to his office and opens the door letting them in before closing it again. "Tonight after room check. I'm coming to get both of you. I need you ready. Both of your bags are packed and in my car. Sam do you remember the hall why I led Colby down?" Sam nods and looks at Jake.

"I'll be in my car already. I need you to run down that hall until you see a mattress. Move it and behind it will be a door. It leads to a tunnel. I need you to get to that tunnel as quickly as possible. I'll be waiting with the car at the end." Jake nods and looks at Sam smiling.

"But Jake. Conflict with Colby will not be tolerated." Jake nods quickly.

"Yes sir. No fighting" Elton smiles. "You both can go. I'll see you tonight." Sam drags Jake out of the room and back to the activity room. 

-------------------TIME SKIP --------------------

"Room check!" The guard, Tate, yells as the doors open. One by one he checks each room. Before moving to the next wing. Soon Elton rounds the corner, coming over to Jake's door and unlocking it before moving to Sam's.

"Run to that door. Hurry ill be waiting." Elton walks away quickly. Sam grabs Jake's arm and leads him to the hallway quietly.

They quickly walk to the door and move the mattress, opening the door and stepping through before moving the mattress in front of the door again. Jake closes the door and both boys quickly walk through the tunnel.

Sam points out the car and they start running. Elton jumps out of the car and opens the back door and passenger side before getting back in and starting the car. The boys quickly get into the car as Elton drives away quickly.

Sam looks at the mirror watching the Asylum get farther away from them.

"Here. These are your plane tickets. We are taking the plane." Elton hands Sam and Jake the tickets.

"Where are we going?" Elton looks at Sam. "California." Jake nods.

Elton pulls the car into the airport parking lot and opens the trunk. "Grab your bags. Run to the bathroom and change your clothes. Put the ones you are wearing in the bags and let's go." Elton says as he starts walking to the building, both boys following close behind him.

Sam goes to the bathroom and quickly changes. Jake opens the stall and looks at Sam. They walk to where Elton is and gives the employee their tickets before boarding the plane.

Sam smiles at Jake. "We are free!" Jake laughs quietly. Elton looks over at them and smiles.

"Home, here we come" Elton smiles.

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