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Its quiet, peaceful. Everyone was asleep. Sam and Colby were curled up together. Its been a month since they escaped. Suddenly a loud ringing sounded from a phone.

"Colby who is calling you? Its like 4am." Sam groaned before shoving his face into a pillow. Colby picked up the phone, seeing that it was Elton who was calling.

"Hello?" Colby said tiredly. 

"Colby. You, Sam and Jake are on the news. It's everywhere." He heard Elton quickly say into the phone.

Colby quickly got off the bed and went over to his laptop.

"What are you doing Colby?" Sam looked at him confused. 

"Elton what the hell are we supposed to do?! Not leave the fucking house?" Colby shouted into the phone. 

"Well first I need you to take a deep breath. Dont let your anger get to you. Second I need you to wake up jake and get Sam and meet me downstairs." Colby looked at Sam before hanging up.

"Alright get up and get dressed I guess." Colby sighed before going to the room across from him. "Jake I need you to wake up" Colby lightly shook the boy.

Jake opened his eyes and looked at Colby before shooting out of bed. 

"What the hell are you doing in here? Get the fuck out!" Jake yelled at Colby.

"Elton told me to wake you up. I'm not gonna hurt you so calm your shit." Colby turned to walk out of the room but stopped in the doorway.

"If I wanted to kill you. You would already be dead." Colby said before walking out of the room and downstairs. 

Elton sighed as he saw the brunette walk down the stairs. "Jake?" He said quietly. Colby rolled his eyes not saying a word.

Soon Jake walked down the stairs. "So what did you send Cole in my room for?" Colby looked at Jake. "Its Colby." Jake rolled his eyes. 

"They are searching every state for you three. You guys need to lay low. Change your appearance slightly but just enough." Elton sighs. "Colby im stupid for asking this question. How do you feel about getting piercings?" Colby looked at Elton. 

"Giving or receiving?" Sam looked at Colby and smiled.

"Receiving. Then we can dye your hair. Sam we could dye yours as well. Jake we need to change yours and maybe get you a piercing as well." Elton looked at all three of the boys. 

Colby looked at Elton. Before looking at Sam. "Are you gonna shoot us or something?" Elton looked at Colby confused.

"The gun tucked into the back of your pants Elton." Colby pulled Sam closer to him slightly.

"Protecting you guys is my top priority. I'll never hurt you." Colby nodded. 

"Truthful. I like it. But can I go back to sleep?" Elton nodded at the three before sitting down on the couch. Watching as the three boys walked back upstairs. 

Elton sighed as he thought. 'How did Colby know about the gun? How did he know I wasnt lying?' Eltons thoughts ran wild. 


Colby sighed as he sat on the bed, softly running his fingers through his hair. 

"Sam?" Colby said quietly. Sam looked at him and sat next to him.

"Whats wrong Colby?" Colby looked at him, making eye contact. 

"When... when you look at me what do you see..?" Sam grabbed his hand and smiled.

"Colby when I look at you. I see the sweetest most caring person. I see the man I love. I see someone who was hurt and scared so they lashed out. Colby you think you're a monster. But you aren't. I don't want to see you or anyone else I love hurt. Promise me if you ever feel like you might hurt someone, you will come to me." Colby nodded his head and softly moved closer, capturing the blondes lips. 

"I promise" Sam smiled and kissed his cheek. 

"Get some sleep my love." Sam smiled as Colby moved to lay his head against Sams shoulder. Cuddling up against the blonde. 

Never again will he let anyone take Colby away from him again that's a promise Sam is keeping until the day he dies. 

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