Sent Away

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Sam was led through the dark and damp cement hallways. He was scared, you see Sam wasnt crazy. He doesn't belong here. But his parents, his parents think he was insane. Just because Sam hurts himself does not mean he is crazy. 

Sam sighed as he was dragged down the corridor holding his extra clothing. A pair of grey joggers and a grey long-sleeved shirt. Did they expect him to not wear socks or shoes? The halls echoed with screams from the other patients trapped in their cells. It feels like a prison. Finally he gets to a cell and the guard that led him there opened it. 

"Get in Golbach." He pushes Sam gently into it before locking it and walking away while whistling.

Sam sighs and looks around the cell. Where's the bed? Where is he supposed to sleep? The cell is empty, except for a pillow laying on the floor and a small table to set his clothes on. Sam layed down with his head on the pillow listening to the screams and laughter in the other cells.

"Wake up patients! Get out of bed and into the social room!" Sam groaned and stood up while his door opened. He stepped into the hallway and followed the group of patients to a giant room. His eyes immediately stopped at a brown-haired boy who was sitting in a chair with his head against the wall. Sam moved closer to the boy taking a closer look. The boy looked over towards Sam and locked eyes with him and smirked before a guard came up to him. 

"Up Brock." The boy stayed seated and smirked up at the guard "make me." 

Sam walked over to a window and looked out of it while the guard took out handcuffs and grabbed the boys wrists. "Sir you don't have to be so rough with him.. he didn't very much do anything" the boy looked at Sam and smirked. 

"Listen to the new boy, Tate." The guard grabbed the boy's arm and pulled him out of the chair and handcuffed him before taking the chair away. The boy leaned against the wall "what's your name new boy" Sam looked at him.

"My names Sam, whats yours?" The boy looked at Sam "Sam. I like it, suits you. Why are you in here Sam?" Sam looked at him confused "well.. my parents think im crazy. I'm not crazy" the boy chuckles darkly "ill see you around new boy." Sam watches as the boy gets pulled away by the guard.

"He is definitely getting the chair again.." Sam looked over and saw a tall boy with pink hair standing next to him. "I'm sorry, the chair?" The pink haired boy nodded "its a form of treatment they use here for people like him. He's from the dangerous mens ward. I'm Jake by the way" Sam looks at him and shakes his hand "I'm Sam" Jake nods "i overheard you say that. But he wouldn't tell you his name, would he?" Sam shakes his head no.

"Do you know his name?" Sam questions. Jake looks down "everyone here knows who he is.. his name is Colby... he is a very dangerous person i guess he has been here for a very long time" Sam looks at the door way "what did he do?" Jake shrugged his shoulders and looked at Sam "no one knows" Jake sighs. "Its a question everyone wonders" Sam nods his head.

"Get back to your assigned cells patients!" The guard yelled abruptly making Sam jump slightly and walk back to his cell with his head down. While he was walking he heard soft singing followed by something being thrown at the wall. "Shut it Brock!" He heard a guard yell. Then he heard silence, it was creepy silence. Suddenly he heard a laugh come from a few cells down. Sam put his hands over his ears and curled into a ball in the corner of his cell before hearing footsteps. "Hey new boy" he looked up quickly seeing Colby leaning against the wall smirking, Sam quickly stood up and stood against the wall "how did you-" Colby smirked "get here? Simple i killed the guard" Sam was shocked, eyes blown wide.

"Why would you do that... the guard didnt do anything..." Colby chuckled darkly "well im not crazy Sam. You see im just a normal teenager." Sam gulps "Colby.. that's your name right?" Colby unlocked Sams cell door and walked in before closing it again. "How do you know that" Sam looked at Colby "I overheard it from one of the guards" Sam lied making Colby chuckle before putting on a straight face "you are lying to me Samuel. I know when people are lying." Colby pinned Sam against the wall making him gulp "please don't hurt me.. " Colby looked at Sam before pulling away from him, he looked confused and turned around before walking out of the cell and locking it again. "Tell Jake to watch out." Colby said as he walked away. 

Sam sat there trying to calm down his breathing, on the verge of a panic attack. Sam doesn't want to die in this place. But for some reason he was extremely attracted to the ocean-eyed. There was something about him.

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