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T H E    W E D D I N G

Lennox stood in front of the full length mirror looking at herself intently. She couldn't help but pick out every single little fault. White had never been one of her favourite colours.  A restless knock sounded on her door and a smile spread to her face.
"Come in" she said eagerly and soon the group of excitable ladies burst through the door.
Emily, Mackenzie, Charlotte and Marlene all stood their in awe. Their eyes scanning Lennox up and down causing a wave of self consciousness to fill her brain.

"Sweetheart" Emily started but couldn't for the life of her conjure up a single sentence.
"You look stunning" she finished with tears in her eyes and a bright smile on her face.
"Lennox your gorgeous" everyone agreed and soon they began their final presentations. Their wedding had only taken a couple of month or so to plan, it was only small after all but Chaos had insisted that he wanted to marry Lennox as soon as possible. They had chosen their venue, a beautiful picturesque country house and gardens outside of Seattle. The main house was surrounded with the spring wild flowers and fresh leaves on the vast amounts of trees. The air was crisp and the sun bright as it poured light into their day. It was truly perfect... if only Lennox could stop worrying.

"What if he has changed his mind Em?" She whispered to Emily while the other girls busied themselves getting ready.
"What if he has left again?" Lennox had barely slept the night before her wedding day worrying about what Chaos was thinking, worrying if the voices had come back and if he just couldn't handle this. She knew that they both loved each other more than anything but what if he had changed his mind.

"Honey, are you hearing yourself?" Emily said sitting her down in one of the decorative chairs in her dressing room as she knelt in front of her. "I know it's scary, and I know that your anxious. I was exactly the same when me and Erik got married. Everyone is like this on their big day." Emily chuckled remembering the look of relief on her husbands face when he saw her walking down the aisle.

"You and Chaos are the most caring and loving people that I know. You were made for one another. I can't think of anyone more perfect for Chaos than you." She took Lennox's hand in her and squeezed it reassuringly. Taking a deep breath together they both got up and made the final touches to their dresses, hair and makeup.
Mackenzie had a secret mission for the morning of her best friends wedding day, she had been secretly taking photos of Lennox throughout the morning, Gage doing the same for Chaos so that the pair can have as many memories from their day as possible.

A knock sounded on the door once again, causing Lennox's anxiety levels to sky rocket. She looked to Emily, who she was shamelessly depending on today, and gave her a nod.
"Come in" Emily sounded and soon the door was pushed open to reveal Erik and her brother. The two bikers were left astounded at the sight of Lennox in front of them. A tear even managed to slip down Maddox's face after looking at how stunning his baby sister looked.

"Len" he whispered before rushing towards her and taking her in his arms. The two laughed together as Maddox continued to cry.

"Is he- is Chaos still here?" She asked in a heartbeat, the nerves getting to her.
"Of course he is. Why wouldn't he be" Maddox said simply with a small laugh and soon they we all whisked away to the doors of the grand hall. Her heart beat out of her chest as she stood out of sight from the grand open white wood doors. She took in a shaky breath when she heard the soft piano playing inside the room. Emily, Mackenzie, Charlotte and Marlene all made their way down the aisle, smiling brightly and clutching onto their small bouquets of wild foliage and bright flowers.

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