*edited* 01 - The Beginning

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01 The Beginning

The sound of my fist breaking his cheek bone brought a smile to my face as my relentless fist stilled, coated in his crimson blood. No one goes against the club and lives to tell the tale.
I continue my assault as our proud Prez, my brothers and the disgusted Prospects watch over me.

Nothing breaks up a club more than a rat, someone who goes against our code and breaks one of our most sacred rules. And now we had found the man who had been spying on us, disrupting our business and causing our family pain. A Viper.

The Vipers MC have been our biggest rivals since the founding of the club, constantly fight us over territory or weaponry.
"Enough Chaos" Erik instructed me, authority laced in his commanding voice. I looked over to him studying his face for no more than a second before continuing my assault, I'd gotten the taste for blood.

"I said that's enough" he replied while pulling me away from the somewhat lifeless body in front of me. His form was no longer recognisable, he hadn't given me what I wanted. Not even peeling off his skin and cutting off his fingers made him squeal about his club.

Grunting I leave the room, angrily ripping off my leather gloves and throwing them to the ground. I let it take over, the beast.
He got the better of me again.

"Chaos, you good brother?" A Prospect asked me from behind the bar. Instead of replying I reached under and took a bottle of tequila and walked to my table in the corner of the busy room. I need to drown my sorrows.
Moments of silence pass before the men begin returning to the bar, Maddox walked into the joint and came to sit beside me. Mad was one of the few who I told the little I know of my past, or rather everything that I choose to remember. He understands the beast inside my head which spurs me on and fills me with blinding rage, and he knows exactly why I can't let him out.
"What's troubling you brother?" He asked bringing his beer to his lips and taking a long sip.
"Prez let me lose on some guy he picked up. It got ..."
"Chaotic?" He finished my sentence with a knowing look and a chuckled. "It'll be alright Chaos, it won't come out if you're in control" he reassured.

"Church" Erik, our president shouted over the noise of the bar full of members and whores.
Immediately we jumped up disregarding our booze and women. Gathering around the long table, I took my seat next to Erik, Maddox to my right, James to my left and other members around us, listening intently to Erik's words.
"Picked up a low life just outside Puyallup. I believe he's working with the Vipers to track our movement and gain information of our shipment schedules" Erik started, eyes glanced around the table as everyone took in his words.
"Chaos tried to... Knock some sense into him, but he remains silenced. So he will be staying with us for a while, until the bastard decides to talk... if Chaos hasn't beaten him to death that is"
The meeting went by, members pitching ideas of how to get the prisoner to talk, joints and cigars were shared and we talked of other club matters. I however, stayed mostly quiet. Only contributing the occasional grunt or nod.
"So it's settled then, Chaos will pay our friend a daily visit until he spills. Then we spill him all over the viper territory" roars echoed around the room, cheers of encouragement and to show an  agreement had been made.
Erik grasped my shoulder, throwing me around slightly as he hit his gavel against the table and exclaimed "Church over"

The men seemed merry. But I remained cold and indifferent, why feel anything when you can find peace within the silence in your head. Why force your body through emotions when you can love in an unproblematic world? Today was the first time in so long that he almost made a reappearance, the voice which plagued my mind and fills my head with sickly ideas, I was disappointed in myself.
"Cha, you alright?" Erik approached my corner of the room, where I had resumed my place taking a long swig from the bottle clutched in my hand.

Erik Sanderson, the president of the Iron Horsemen MC had soon become like a father to me. The club is all about family and brotherhood, but with me and him it were as if we were actually family. I served in the forces since I dropped out of school at 17, I lasted 4 years before I got hurt.

That's all I remember.
When I was "honourably discharged" at 21, I had nothing to come home too, my family gone. I lived on the streets for about a year before the Iron Horsemen found me rummaging through the trash. I'd never found a home or made enough money to stay safe, I spent each night fighting off gangs and drunks looking for a punching bag.
Erik and Maddox were the first to approach me. Back then I was merely the shell of a former man. They reshaped me into the beast.

A man of Chaos.

Following my injuries I had little memory of my name, a mental block so to speak, which didn't allow me to revisit the past. I knew that it began with a "C" as my damaged dog tags stated "C. Callahan". Chaos was the name bestowed upon me after the Horsemen saw me defend the club. I was there weapon of Chaos.

"Yeah... I'm good" I concluded following the Prez's question. He and Maddox pulled up a seat, and sat with me for the rest of the night, drinking and smoking until the early hours.
Sitting in the club, whores - or jockeys as they were more affectionately known swarmed the place like wasps at a summer picnic. Although others were, I was never tempted by the passes they made and the fights they created to gain your attention.

At around 11, Emily ventured down into the bar, in search of her husband. Erik and Emily Sanderson have been together for what seems like forever, she's his Old Lady after all. She appeared in a lace night gown and silk robe, which effectively grabbed everyone's attention and caused whistles to echo round the room. Not that anyone would ever lay a hand on Em, she's the clubs mother; caring for us boys and making sure we don't get into ... too much trouble. Erik immediately growled at his wife's appearance and raced to throw her over his shoulder and take her back to bed.

"We won't be seeing him for the rest of the night" Maddox chuckled.
The night dragged on, me and Mad downed endless bottles of tequila, until about 3 am, that's how most of our nights had planned out since I arrived in the clubhouse.

"Today is the 11th right?" Maddox asked drunkenly, slurring his words.
"Yeah as of three hours ago, today is the 11th brother" I reply slightly confused. He released a long sigh and stood from his seat. Raising his bottle, and successfully gaining the attention of the remaining members swarmed around the bar, he stated "Happy Birthday Sis" he took a long sip and so did the others in the bar.
I looked over at him as he took his seat once more, reaching out and placing my hand on his shoulder, trying to reassure him as much as one could when you can't process your own emotions.
It was no secret in the club that Maddox has gone through some shit. I still remember the first time he told me about his past. His parents were killed when he was 18, and he was left to care for his young sister who was 10 years younger than him at the time. Shit went downhill from then when he started getting involved with the club to try and provide for her. It didn't take long for the rivals to catch wind of the new members kid sister.
One night, they stormed his house, beat him almost to death and took his sister out onto the lawn. Shot her in the chest as she screamed out for her big brother. She was only 11. Being so close to Maddox I can almost feel his pain. But I can't imagine what it was like.

A couple more hours passed and we eventually made our way back to our rooms. It had been a long night. Throwing myself into my mattress I didn't even bother to take off my cut or boots.
Laying down on the lumpy surface I sit and think about family. Trying to imagine the pain Maddox is going through, thinking about his little sister and her brutal death.

I hear his cries in the night, the memory of her haunts his mind even during his sleep. I wished I could help him through it, he was one of my best friends.
I never slept much, not since my time at war. PTSD hits you hard and you never really shake it. Instead I sit and watch the sun rise on another empty day taking a long drag of my smoke and thinking of all that is to come.

An introduction to the Iron Horsemen MC, there President, Vice President and Sargent at Arms.
There pasts have been revealed, but what will there futures hold?

Stay tuned 😉

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