*edited* 02 - The Plan

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02 - The Plan

Rolling out of bed, still in yesterday's clothes I slide on my leather jacket under my cut and exited my room, locking the door on my way out. Walking into the bar I see the aftermath of last night's party. Whores and bikers were covering every inch of the room, empty bottles and cigarette butts were scattered around.

Tyler our latest prospect, stood behind the bar cleaning. Sighing I nod towards him, pick up a trash bag and begin collecting the rubbish. Yesterday's events still heavy on my mind. "Keep it in Chaos" I said to myself over and over. About an hour passes and Maddox stumbles into the bar, eyes blood shot and face pale. Today is going to be awful for him.

"Are you okay, brother?" I asked him, taking his arm into my grasp. He looked towards me as if to say "don't be stupid Chaos". He shrugged me off and walked behind the bar, picking up a fresh bottle and chugging the liquid down. I sigh but continued to clean. Maddox is my best friend, along with Thor, and has been sincerely Erik picked me up all those years ago. I know how much his little sister meant to him. Even though I don't know much about her. Not even her name, he doesn't speak of it.

A loud smash steals my attention away from cleaning duty. Looking across the room it's Maddox with the bottle, or should I say what was the bottle in his hands. Blood dripped down his hand and arm where the broken glass had cut into his skin.
"Shit" I cursed under my breath, taking the first aid kit from behind the bar and walking over to Mad.
"Brother what's going on?" I questioned quietly taking his hand in mine, I open up his clenched fist and poured some alcohol into the cuts.

"I loved her so much" he whispered. "They t-took her from me. Beat her, ab-abused her right In-front of my eyes" he slammed his other hand down on the table and wiped the few rogue tears from his eyes.
"She was my world Cha. My parents left us, she was all I had" the tears flowed freely now. I wrapped up his hand then leaned into him, placing my hand on his shoulder and taking him into my embrace.
Funny isn't it. Brute biker men... Hugging.

The thing is Maddox is just as broken as me. No family, no worries.
"It'll be okay Mad." I try to comfort him. But the fact is his sister isn't coming back. As far as I know they killed her. Nobody knows, not even Maddox. Erik and Emily enter the bar and immediately make there way towards Maddox and I.
"Kid what's wrong?" Erik asks Maddox worryingly as he is still in my embrace.

"Today is his sister's birthday" I whispered to the pair and a knowing look immediately masks there worried expressions.
"Shit Mad I'm so sorry" Erik says trying his best to comfort his shaking form. "Maddox, come here sweetheart" Emily said to him and instantly took him into her arms, running her hand through his hair. Ever since they found Maddox and I, Erik and Emily have been like our surrogate parents. Always supporting us.

"Maddox, it'll be alright" Emily whispers to him. Suddenly Maddox jumped out of his chair, pushing Emily down in the process. "NO! No it won't be!" He screeched pulling at his hair, the next thing we know he's flipping tables and smashing the joint. Erik rushed to pick up his Old Lady, while I made my way to Maddox.
"Brother you need to calm down!" I exclaimed.
"Kid listen to him, before I do something I'll regret" Erik said in a dangerously low tone, Emily in his lap. Something snapped and Maddox was back to us. He looked around in defeat and sunk to the floor.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" he repeated tears soaking his face, hands pulling at his hair and body shaking.
"Kid it's okay, we get it. It's a hard day. Just take it easy" Erik tried to reassure him. I took Maddox back to his room, making sure he was okay. Making my way back to the bar,the prospects; Tyler, Gage and James are cleaning up the mess Mad made.

I walk back over to Erik and Emily, taking my seat in the corner once again. "It's going to be a loooong day" I said as I took a sip of my drink.
"The poor Kid" Erik said shaking his head.
"I've known him since he first got involved at 17. His sister means the world to him, even tho she isn't here now. I can't imagine what it was like to watch someone you love so much, be ripped out of your hands and taken in such a brutal way" he took Emily's hand.

The day passed by. I spent most of the day in the shop, repairing bikes and completing orders. I didn't see much of Maddox which was to be expected. There were no deliveries or jobs so it was more of a personal day, to get jobs done, spend time with family or finding a whore to pass the time with. I've never been interested in club whores, never seen the appeal in cheap meat. I've never been one for one night stands or meaningless flings. I wanted to be like my parents. I want to find my Old Lady, not my flavour of the night. The day continues as I work alongside Thor in the shop, Maddox still on my mind.

The night rolls around and there is yet another party in the club house. Erik had Emily on his lap and a beer in his hand.

Now that's the life I want , I thought to myself.
Walking over to our table I shake his hand and give Emily a kiss on the cheek. "Kid, I have a plan" he said to me in a hushed tone. I looked at him questioningly waiting for him to continue.

"I'm going to try and find his sister." He stated clearly.
Shock. Pure Shock.

"What do you mean? We don't know nothing about her... We don't know if she's even alive" I state.
"Yes... But we don't know if she's dead"

Will Erik be able to track down Maddox's sister and her kidnappers?
What will Maddox think of their plans?

Will they be successful?

Stay tuned 😉

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