17 - The Steps To Recovery

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Chaos POV

"I'm here" I whispered to her and I felt her calm down instantly, was she really happy to see me?

I managed to put her down despite her reluctance and get a good look at her.
Her hair had grown even longer, it now fell at the small of her back.
Her eyes seemed an even brighter shade of blue to when I left, they were identical to her brothers.

And then I noticed the bad things, like the deep scratches on her arms and the bandage around her wrist. The blood under her fingernails and the bags under her eyes told me just how much of a hard time she'd been having.

She took hold of my hand and laced our fingers together, and honestly my heart just about stopped.

We made our way over to our top table, and she took a seat right next to me pulling it closer to my side.
I watched her relax in my presence and I was astounded, I couldn't believe I had such an effect on her.

I watched her while the others chatted, silently memorising every inch of her. Just in case.

"So how did your session go today tiger?" I heard Erik ask her, I chuckled slightly at the new nickname he'd given her.

"It was okay I guess, me and Dr Kahn just talked about things and she made it not hurt so much. She taught me ways to deal with my bad memories and how to replace them with the good ones I have... even tho there aren't many left." She admitted quietly, and again I made a promise to her as I listened to her words. I wanted to make good memories with her to help her in her rehabilitation, but also because I wanted to see her smile.

"Well then sweetheart what would you like to do today? Now all the boys are back together" she side eyed me "how about we do something as a family. We could go up to the falls and have a picnic?" She suggested and although Lennox seemed confused at first, I watched as she'd face lit up and she nodded eagerly.

"Alright then, that sound good for everyone?" She asked the table a hard look behind her eyes, no one would be excused from this afternoon.
"Alright then, be ready in a couple hours and we'll go" She finished with a smile.

Everyone around the table nodded happily and we then disbursed to go get changed or help make the food for the picnic.

Lennox remained seated with a huge smile on her face.
"There was this book I read in there, where the characters all went on a big adventure and had a picnic... I always wanted to do that" she admitted quietly.

With a smile she was up and running over to Mackenzie, and I just sat and watched her.
She really did amaze me.

Soon I made my way down the corridor and into my room, which hadn't been touched in a month.
There was a small layer of dust coating every surface in the room, which I new I'd have to clean ... maybe.
I took off my cut and boots and left them by the door and made my way straight to my bed.

There was still a faint smell of Lennox laced between the walls and the memories we had in this room left me with a shot eating grin.

I climbed into bed and under the heavy blanket, which was meant to alleviate anxiety, maybe I should buy Lennox one, maybe it would help her too.

Eventually sleep overtook my senses as my eyes started to feel heavy and the world around me seemed to fade away.


Small footsteps, muffed my my plush carpet seemed to wake me from my nap. I knew who it was before I cracked open my eyes.

"Hey" I whispered to her, making her stop in her tracks.
"Hi" she replied reluctantly, as she her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.
"You okay?"

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