09 - The Fallout

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Chapter Dedicated to DianaLamar3
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Chaos POV

Waking up the next morning with a small presence wrapped around my waist, was strange to say the least.
I'd never slept with a girl, actually slept with her.

They were always thrown out before sunrise, before they could really see the beast that lay within.

For once the voices in my head were calm, no cruel words, screams or taunts lingered being my thick skull, and I could hear the birds chirping in the distance.

Nothing plagued my dreams. Not images of my comrades in battle, not images of my friends being blown to pieces in Afghanistan, not the screams of innocents who were torn down by our enemy.

For once I had a peaceful and dreamless night.
Not an inch of my post traumatic stress disorder in sight.

'what am I doing?' I thought to myself, why have I allowed this tiny person to see this side of me.
Not the brutal killer the club expects me to be. But a source of comfort to her troubled mind.

I watched her sleep for most of night. Taking in all her little features. Like the freckles which danced across her button nose and blushed cheeks, her long eyelashes and her plump pouted lips. Most prominent however was the little crease in her forehead which appeared when she stirred and grabbed onto me tighter. Her troubled mind not resting during the calm night.

Lennox was truly beautiful, mind, body and soul. Despite the deep wounds and scars she was the most captivating creature.

The first girl to ever hold my attention for more than one night.

To the club, I was their brother, but I was most importantly their most lethal weapon.
The demons which roamed around my brain at all hours of the day meant I have very little emotion. No empathy.
Ever since Erik found me, all those years ago I've been the club's killer.

Until now.

I felt the small bruised arms which were wrapped around my torso tighten, as little Lennox roused from her slumber.

I watched as her blue eyes appeared from under her long lashes, as she took in the morning sun beaming through the window.

I also watched the panic fill her expression as she realised I lay beside her.
But soon enough it was gone. And I got to see the first glimpse of a smile stretch across her lips.

"Mornin' sunshine" I whispered to her, praying she stayed this close.

"Hi.." she whispered back, seemingly unsure of herself.
I found her lack of confidence around me endearing, but I hope that she will be more comfortable in the future.

For a moment we were still, just looking into each others eyes. Appreciating the comfort we were bringing eachother. I knew little of Lennox's past, and she knew little of mine, but we both had trauma in common. That was for sure.

We just lay there, enthralled by eachother. Her arm draped over my chest, absentmindedly tracing the patterns of the tattoos etched into my tan skin. My hands occupied her broad hips and plum cheeks. As I gently stroked just under her sunken cheek bone, brushing away the remnants of her icy blonde hair.
For a small moment she glanced down at her wrists. Remembering the events of the night before.
"See it's all gone sunshine. Nothing for you to worry about" I whispered comfortingly.

Silence fell upon us once again, with only the delicate bird song and the shuffling of heavy boots could be heard from around the club house.
She moved closer, resting her cheek against my clavicle, in a way which I suppose gave her the comfort she has desperately craved all these years.

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