33 - The Sanctuary

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Time is ticking, the clock is running out
⚠️ Warning ⚠️
This chapter contains sexual scenes or references

Chaos POV

She wasn't quite herself yet I knew that. Although she was talking, eating and sleeping again her mind was still plagued with the memories I willed for her to forget. She cried herself to sleep each night, only to wake and still be stuck in this hellish state of reality. I just didn't know what I could do to take away her pain, and it was slowly killing me too. I wanted to be able to take her mind off it all, to let her breathe.

I sat in the armchair in the corner of her room and I just watched her for a while, thankful that thus far her sleep hadn't been disturbed.

I knew in my heart that she needed a solid support structure in her life, after everything she needed consistency. I just worried that I wouldn't be able to give her that... I was unstable, unpredictable... I was a monster. And she was the purest angel I had ever seen.

Sighing I stood up, walked to her side and placed a delicate kiss to her temple - the closest i'd got to her in weeks.
I found myself in the bar once again that night, trying to drink all the sorrow away. I'd lost count of the times that I had felt helpless in this situation - i'd lost count of how many times I had cried for her or prayed for her to be okay again. Being at war I had seen similar cases, the shell shock and the torment that she faced rivaled my comrades in battle - her past being far worse than facing an unknown enemy. She had to battle with the demons that had stayed with her her whole life.

I wished she had been normal, I wished that her parents had still been here to care for her... maybe none of this would have happened. In a perfect world she would have had a perfect childhood surrounded by the love of her family, I wish she had never met any of us in the club... it would mean she was okay. So lost in though I didn't even notice Maddox taking the seat next to me in the secluded corner in which i resided in every night since the appointment.

We shared the same look of remorse, Maddox feeling it the most, i knew how much he blamed himself.
"If I had never stepped foot in this room... none of it would have happened." he whispered into the silence.

"I should have found another way to get us through Chaos... she could have been so happy"

"Maddox, you know that isn't true. You didn't force those men to take her... you couldn't have controlled it. it could have happened to anyone.. they just picked her."

"I wish it had of been me instead"

"Me too."


The following morning I woke in the chair i'd spent the remaining hours of the night in, unfinished drink still on the table in front of me. Shit, I though... I wasn't meant to fall asleep, I had to watch over Lennox. I made my way to her room quickly, I had to know if she was alright. I entered slowly despite the haste of my actions. Peering round the oak door I was met with the sight of her sleeping form tucked beneath the duvet and copious blankets.

Opposite her was her window, wide open... the drapes dancing along the morning breeze. The next thing I saw was the bouquet placed at the foot of her bed. The same arrangement of red flowers which i had found in her room for the past five nights in a row.
That could only mean that someone was in here again...
She started to rouse from her sleepy state, eyes flick open instantly finding me where I stood.

She looked to me with a small smile, then to the bouquet at her feet.
"Again?" She whispered "who are they from this time?"
I shook my head, having no idea what so ever - no note, no card and no clues.
"I guess I'll give them to Emily again, they're her favourite"
I gave her a chance to properly wake up and get ready as I took my place once again in her leather armchair. I heard her hum to herself in the shower, I heard her sharp intake of breath when she caught herself in the mirror.

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