18 - The Picnic

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Can we all just take a moment to appreciate the beauty that is Josh John Mario 🤤

I'm curious so everyone comment where you are from !

Thank you for all your comments, keep them coming ! xo

Chaos POV

She had her arms wrapped tightly around me, drawing circles on my abs as the roads passed by in a blur.
The hour long ride to the falls was sweet sweet torture having blondie stuck to my back. Lennox would hold on tighter and squeal happily every time I accelerated, and I loved the feeling of her this close... being so happy.

I wanted to stay like this forever, just the two of us. No worries, no voices, nothing but the open road and each other.

The woods surrounding the nature trail to the falls game into view as I pulled into the gravel parking lot and found a spot next to Emily's truck.
The air was calm and had a slight chill, I could hear birds chirping in the distance on top of the faint sound of rushing water.

Lennox has a huge grin on her face as she excitedly climbed off my bike - with only a little difficulty - and took in a large breathe of the fresh crisp air.
"I've never seen anything like this" she said giddily as she grabbed me by the hand and started pulling me towards the others.
"Everyone here?" Erik called out looking round at the group.
And when he was satisfied we all began our hike to the falls.
Lennox held a tight grasp with one hand on mine and the other securing her jacket closed.

The trail was truly beautiful, one of the best places I'd ever visited. The thick jungle like canopy of trees created a barrier between us and the cool wind, the floor was covered in thick grass and wild flowers and your senses were overcome with the relaxing sounds of water from the lake just ahead.

Maddox watched his sister walk happily, with a similar smile on his features

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Maddox watched his sister walk happily, with a similar smile on his features. Our talk early weighing heavy in my mind.

I knew that at any moment there was a chance Lennox could spiral and become so overcome with her emotions she wouldn't be able to function properly, but I'd do anything to stop that from happening. I wanted her to enjoy today and make some happy memories that she could use with her councillor.

She walked ahead of me joining arms with Emily and puling her faster, impatience to get to our picnic destination.
I watched quietly as they talked about god knows what, my only focus was on her.
Always keeping a watchful eye.

About twenty minutes or so later we arrived at the falls.
The areas where the trees thinned out and high rocky cliffs took their place.
Up ahead stood the huge rushing waterfall, flowing harshly into the lake bellow, following on to the stream which traveled through the woods as supplied water to Mother Nature.

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