19 - The Enemy Strikes

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Chaos POV

The days which followed were quite for the most part. The boys went out on there runs and would come back and drink the nights away.

Church discussed taking over more territory from our enemies our latest shipments and most importantly being mindful around Lennox. She was still settling in after all.

Emily was planning on taking her shopping later on this afternoon, with some of the boys for protection of course.
Lennox was sticking round so she needed things so she could properly settle in, like clothes and toiletries and things for her new room.
She had already told me just how excited she was when Emily suggested decorating, the smile didn't leave her lips for a good couple of days.

"Church in ten" Erik's voice boomed around the clubhouse. Immediately I was suspicious, today was Friday... church is always on a Sunday.
Shit is about to hit the fan.

The boys scrambled into the den, taking their respective seats around the huge oak table covered in our club emblem and the names of all our brothers ever patched in. Erik day at the head of the table, with me his vice to his left and Maddox his third and Sergeant at Arms on his right.
Only patched members could enter church, that was our biggest rule, unless Erik said otherwise.

"There's been talk around town, Vipers are planning something big. They want to take us out."
Tension increased as Erik kept on talking, explaining what he's been hearing from the whispers on the streets.
"I don't know what or when, but we need to be ready for any possible attacks. I'm not saying lockdown... not yet anyways but no one goes anywhere without permission so to speak. Especially the girls; Emily Mackenzie and Lennox are the main priority at the minute."

I zoned out slightly, trying to think of ways to keep Lennox safe and out of their reach.
That's two factors now... the men who took her and now these snakes.
My anger was growing,, rage clouding my vision as I thought of things they could do to her if I didn't protect her.

I was brought back to reality when Erik brought his gavel down onto the hard wood.
I staggered out of church, clutching my head as the voices came back.
Tormenting me one again.

How will you protect her? You're far too weak!
You'll never be good enough for her Chaos.

All you ever will be is complete and utter chaos.

Lennox POV

They boys had just gone into church when I made my way into the bar, only seeing the back of them as they hurried through the double doors.
That room had become somewhat special to me, almost like my safe haven. Church was where I'd told everyone, where I'd let go of my past.

"Nox! Over here babe!" I heard Mack say from across the room, she was sat at a table her feet resting on the top, reclining I'm on of the leather seats.
I walked over to her and Emily with a smile taking a seat next to them.
"You still up for a shopping trip?!" Emily asked excitedly, clapping her hands together.
"Sure Em" I said with a smile. They both fell into conversation as I listened in on their idle gossip, talking animatedly about the club jockeys or Mack's friend Charlotte who has a bar downtown.

About forty minutes later the doors of the den opened as all the boys came out each sharing identical looks of fury.
All but Chaos, I looked at him as he clutched his head in his hands and before I knew it I was in front of him, taking his hands in mine.

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