14 - The Truth

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*possible trigger warning*

Song : Lewis Capaldi - When the Party's over
(Billie Eilish Cover)


Tissues at the ready people :'(
Lennox POV

As I sat down at the table I knew this was going to be the most difficult thing I had to do.
Looking around the dark room I saw the faces of the people I'd grown to truly love despite the fact I've known them for a matter of days.
But I already depended upon them. Grown so attached that I can honestly say I don't know what I would do if I didn't have them in my life.

Perhaps it's because I've had no one up until now... perhaps I just trust too easily.

Taking in a deep calming breath, Emily reached over in her seat to my left and grabbed my hand reassuringly, already knowing the gravity of the words that would soon fall from my mouth.
"It's okay sweetie, take your time" she said in the most comforting motherly tone.
"Is Chaos coming?" I asked quietly, looking towards my brother at the other side of the table.
"I called and left a message, but I'm not sure Lennie"

For whatever reason I was disappointed, I wanted him to be here to spare me the pain of recounting these memories again.
But maybe he just didn't care.

"Where do you want me to start?" I asked quietly.
"From when they pulled you out of your bed. From when they dragged you into our drive way and shot you in front of my eyes. I need to know everything Lennie." My brother replied solemnly.

I nodded and began. And the memories came flooding back.
"The house had been quiet, Maddox had only gotten back an hour or so before and sent our neighbour who looked after me home. I can't really remember her name.

Maddox and I had sat on our couch and he was talking animatedly about the club and how he had just been patched. We were happy.

He had put me to bed, kissed me goodnight and told me he loved me. And I was asleep"

I started to hate the sensation of memories flooding into my subconscious and clouding my vision. For years I'd tried to forget about everything that happened that night, because I knew in a way I'd been forgotten too.

"I don't remember what time it was, but it was still dark outside, and I heard a car or van pull up into our driveway. I remember hearing the tires screech and that's what woke me up.

I just assumed it was some of Maddox's friends I'd seen a couple days before so I tried to go back to sleep.

There had been notes in my backpack, or in my room. Messages from who I assumed was Maddox. I thought it was a joke.

Everything seemed too quiet. I heard them come into the house and creep towards my door. Honestly I just thought it was the boys playing a prank on me, trying to scare me."

I said looking up to Maddox with a sad smile. I remember having happier memories with my brother, scaring each other and playing pranks and I held onto them while I kept going.

But he just looked confused, looking angry when I mentioned the messages.

"I remember sort of hiding under my quilt as my door was opened really slowly, like they were checking they had the right room.

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