Scar tried to remain calm. He didn't want to hurt her or make the situation worse. "Lex, please. Help me understand what has changed between us." He spoke seriously through clenched teeth. His mandibles clicked in sheer frustration. She stared at him. Not moving or speaking. "Please..." He begged. She dropped her eyes. "Scar..........I do not want to talk." She said in agitation. "Lex, I love you so very much. This.....your mood. This is affecting me. This is affecting us."

"When are you leaving?" She asked bitterly. He eyed her confused. He didn't understand. She took his silence as an admission.

"Right! Exactly.....we're suppose to be engaged....getting married. Whatever that means to a Yautja." She moved to the door and tried to grab the knob. He seized her hand but she tried to pull away. His patience was weaning. "Scar, please let me out of this room." He felt himself becoming angry. "I DON'T want to talk....." She yelled walking to the side of her bed. "I am not doing this.....I don't need anymore conversations." She spoke harshly. Scar walked to her and pulled her to him. "What do you need? Please Lex, tell me the truth." She shrank in his arms. Trying to pry him from her. He pulled her again and she hissed from the pain of his embrace.

"Let me go. I don't want to have this conversation. I'll just deal with it like I've been doing. You do whatever you want and I just wait." He stared at her. "Scar, let me go. I don't need this right now." She asked backing away from him. "This is your truth? It does not make sense." He told her. "I DIDN'T ask you if it made SENSE because I DON'T want to have any conversations! It's not important. YOU DON'T CARE!" She shouted, crying. Scar snapped. He picked up her lamp, forcefully pulling the plug from the socket and threw it into the wall next to them.

"Of course it is IMPORTANT! How can you say this? OF COURSE I CARE! What is WRONG?" He growled angrily, seething.

"YOU'RE GOING TO LEAVE ME!!! It's going on your third day, you never stay longer than 3 cycles. Your beeped.....chimed...while you were showering. The filled me with fear, which is why I dropped the plates. I'M DREADING IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I SUFFER when you're not HERE. You don't know how BADLY! YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!! You just returned after 6 months!!!!!! Your computer...on your alerted you. I have felt major anxiety since. I feel like I'm dying when you leave. I can't talk to you at all while you are away....I look at this ring and it just reminds me that I'll be alone while you go on your hunts! There is honestly no place for me in your life."

Scar pulled her to him and he towered over her.

"Alexa, I will never leave you. I suffer as well! Hunting does not make my life easier when we are apart and of course I understand!!! Such things you say.....When I depart from Earth, you will be with me. I can not be without you. I love you more than myself! I will hunt yes, I will collect trophies, yes, but you will be with me. I would not want you hunting with me, until I train you. Then the decision to participate in certain hunts will be yours but you will surely accompany me aboard OUR ship, until I return if the hunt is too dangerous. I want to train you to fight and fly our ship. I am not leaving you. Any alerts from my gauntlet are most likely reports. The transmission I received on my ship was an approval from Elder Shomir to oversee our It will be small and private. Only 3 Yautja, including myself and you. I hope that is acceptable to you. I want to ensure your protection as well as my own. There are many skills I want to teach you. Please.....know that I am not leaving you. The ONLY way I will leave you on Earth is if there is a cataclysmic disaster elsewhere in the galaxy, then you would be safer here." He inhaled a deep breath.

Lex felt herself go weak. She couldn't speak. Scar gathered her to him and moved them to the bed. He moved to lie down next to her. Their clothes were an annoyance. He stood and undressed leaving only his loincloth, which he eventually shed. He kneeled on the bed and took her jeans off. She sat up and he pulled her shirt over her head. He held her for a long while, spooning. He was always warm!!! He could feel her tension and her crying. He rubbed her shoulders and her neck. He moved his hand down and massaged her belly. She sighed. "I love you." He whispered in a deep voice. "I love you." She said in return.

Across The Galaxy By Nori Elan Where stories live. Discover now