Decimation Part 34

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They all began to walk. The sun was going to set soon. They walked for 4 hours. Holly was exhausted and angry. She would want her family to know what had happened to her! If it were her family, she would certainly want answers. Derrick was running on pure adrenaline. Lex felt fine, physically. Lex called for them to stop. They were high up. Far away from the pyramids. They could no longer see the pyramids or the jungle surrounding them. "Let's camp out here." Lex suggested. They all agreed. Derrick wouldn't sleep much. He offered his sleeping bag to Holly who had long since lost her pack. Lex set up her tent and tried to stay calm. They found a river. Lex and Holly bathed while Derrick stood guard. He felt inadequate without a weapon.

Derrick started a fire and they cooked sardines, chicken ramen noodles and beans Lex had stowed away in her pack. They boiled water and let it cool to drink with their food. They ate in relative silence. Holly retired to the sleeping bag. She was bone-tired and lost for words. She felt conflicted.

Lex stood on a peak looking out over the land. She was tired. She would rest but she was worried about Scar. 5 cycles was too far away. She couldn't believe what they'd all just went through. She was having heart flutters and palpitations thinking of Scar.

Derrick came and stood next to her. "1987 Guatemala. Department of Defense. A redacted report written by a US Special Operations Force veteran, details an incident that involved a creature that looked just like what we saw back there. Large, reptilian creature with superhuman strength and the ability to camouflage/cloak or disappear......... The report also described that the creatures didn't harm women, unarmed women, the creatures mutilated their kills and collected trophies." He shared.

"1997 Los Angeles, a special team was sent to capture what they've named the creatures, Predators, for study. The creature was killed by a detective and a space ship was reported as leaving Earth. Several years later. It was reported that several veterans, mercenaries, inmates, gang leaders, yakuza and military personnel were reported missing and an anonymous eyewitness claims to have seen an alien space ship with unconscious soldiers being loaded onboard by creatures who look just like the Predators.......... Borgia Industries.......... top secret files revealed that Hunter Borgia found Predator technology and reversed engineered it. It was also reported in redacted reports that Hunter was exposed to Predator blood as a child. He was born weakened and it was thought he wouldn't survive. The blood....made him stronger and prolonged his life for over 100 years. That company, Borgia Industries was eventually purchased by Weyland Industries." Lex started breathing hard.

"I'm going to assume you have encountered them before. I read about you, you survived the Antarctica incident. You were the only survivor. I noticed this mark on your matches the marks on their masks. I'm not sure if you're a part of this conspiracy or just in the wrong places at the wrong times. You have one of their weapons..... you know, you read the reports, you're briefed but it's nothing like actually encountering them.......I have absolutely no idea what the other creatures were but my God." He looked out over the horizon. Lex was silent.

"This is safe with me. I became a personal bodyguard to avoid and rid myself of the military and the cover ups. I'm not interested in reporting this or being at the epicenter of an investigation that could lead to my livelihood being taken away or threatened." He told her. "Weyland......Yutani........the amount of money they spend to silence employees, witnesses or mysteriously dispose of them..... is impressive and mind blowing. There are more reports of Predator encounters. I could go on......I want no part of it. You stay safe Alexa and never let anyone know that you know any of this." He spoke softly.

"Thank you" was all Lex could say. Her thoughts never left Scar. What he'd done for her and the team. His killing of Thomas and his decision to save her life and the team! Derrick nodded and sighed. "Get some rest. Long hike ahead tomorrow." He told her. Lex nodded.

Lex entered her tent, she offered Holly to room with her. Holly was fast asleep. Lex wrapped herself in Scars cape and tried to relax. She was a nervous wreck! Derrick had heard of the Yautja, the military were aware of and had named them 'Predators.' She couldn't think. What Derrick told her, the confounding stories and information....she was stunned .... Derrick stood guard for a while.

Lex had offered him her quilts. He eventually camped down for the night and tried to rest. He would need it. It was a cool night and quiet. Lex closed her eyes, praying.....holding her necklace until she dozed.

A few hours later, there was an explosion that rocked the Earth. Lex and Holly jumped up. Holly was screaming and hysterical. Lex unzipped the tent and ran out to look.

Very far off in the distance was a massive fire. The smoke and flames lit up the sky. Lex gasped. She felt her stomach drop and her heart skipped several beats. She knew that something had gone wrong and Scar and the newly blooded had to have detonated a bomb.

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