Separate Journeys Part 21

Start from the beginning

"Yes........ The ooman female you saved, why did you save her?" Nelkir asked innocently. Scars heart stopped. "She....... was a female, she was unarmed, fearless and strong. Leaving her was not an option. She was not meant to be there to interfere with our challenge. Not all oomans are dangerous. Many of the males can be aggressive, in fact so can the females but the females usually only want mercy and to be spared." Scar explained, his trilling sounded a bit nervous. "I understand. Thank you." Nelkir bowed and exited the central command centre. Scar sat feeling despondent. He missed her!

Lex secluded herself to her tent. She bathed with moist towelettes and a misting fan, it would have to do. She actually felt clean and refreshed. She drank water and ate a small meal. She made herself comfortable and thought of Scar. While holding her necklace, she drifted off to sleep.

The bon fire and commotion woke her a short time later. She was fully awake now. Tired and annoyed! Lex heard footsteps approaching her tent. She sighed. Thomas....she reached for her hunting knife. The footsteps stopped and moments later receded.

............Thomas wanted to talk to her. He didn't understand why she wouldn't entertain his advances. He began walking towards her tent. He crossed the natives and scanned the area. His eyes fell straight into the eyes of the two native women sleeping close to Lex's tent. He backed off. Embarrassed and caught.

Lex held her combi-stick and her hunting knife and listened to her surroundings. She heard receding footsteps then nothing. She relaxed....

Scar was growing impatient. He didn't like being away from her.

The cold air settled amongst the campers. Lex woke freezing. She pulled Scars cape around her and turned on her heating pad. She instantly felt warm. She thought of the two native women. She grabbed another thick quilt and exited her tent to take it to them. They shivered. She covered them and placed more twigs on their fire. They bowed their heads, they felt warmer and she scurried back to her tent. Thomas grabbed her. "Hi, finally decided to come out." He taunted. Lex snatched from him but he was relentless, he grabbed her with both hands. "Stop. Thomas, I am not interested." She snapped. She pulled from him but he moved closer to her, pressing his body to hers. He smelled her. "Alexa, I think I could change your mind." Thomas remarked snidely. Lex took a deep breath and pushed him from her, he flew backwards and lost his footing. "Do not touch me. Thomas, I AM NOT INTERESTED!" She shouted. Other people exited their tents and began looking on. Thomas stepped further back, startled at her strength. Lex sighed and retreated to her tent.

Lex's alarm sounded. She could have knocked right back out from fatigue. Almost over she thought!! She jumped up, dressed and started packing. She quickly broke down her tent. She made an announcement to the team. Slowly people started moving about. Breakfast was eaten amongst the team. Lex stretched and drank water. She wanted to stay hydrated. The two native women approached her and presented her with her blankets. They'd folded them unbelievably small which amazed Lex. They bowed to her. Lex bowed to them and smiled.

They began their trek and traveled high before ascending low. Lex had knee pads, elbow pads, a helmet, glasses, steel toed boots and heavy duty gloves. She instructed the teamed through the terrain. The native guides assisted Lex. "LISTEN UP! We have to stay together. As many of you know, guides, tourist and explorers have been known to disappear over the years. They're only rumors but let's keep an eye out for one another. We have to be alert of our surroundings. No lagging or site seeing. No stopping for pictures. No stopping to collect any artifacts along the way. Keep up and announce any requests for breaks. If you have protective gear, please put it on now, stay hydrated, you will perspire more water than you can intake. Be smart!" She instructed.

The team began their trek. The men started out not taking the trek seriously. A few of them slipped and a couple of them fell. One injuring himself, he'd cut his hand. They needed to stop and dress his wound. Lex observed the injury and immediately turned to the group, giving them all stern looks. They eventually continued on. The sun rising, and bringing with it a stifling heat, caused extreme fatigue amongst the group. Many people needed breaks, suffering from heat exhaustion. Lex stayed hydrated, she was surprisingly feeling well. She preferred mountain climbing in colder climates but this expedition wasn't so bad. She touched her necklace and took deep breaths. She misted herself and thought of her last bath with Scar. She groaned under her breath, miserable and horny. She couldn't wait to see him.

Thomas couldn't keep from touching her in some small way. Lex had pushed him away and twisted his arm multiple times during this trek. Thomas was constantly talking to her. He'd tried to apologize for his actions but Lex wasn't having it. They all stopped to relieve themselves. The women guarded the women and the men went off in the opposite direction. Lex was ready to reach the pyramids and branch off while the team explored.

They continued on through the jungle for a couple of hours. Finally seeing the pyramids. The site was marvelous. The ruins didn't look like ruins to her. They were beautiful and grand!! She was speechless. They proceeded on before hearing a thunderous roar. Everyone stopped in their tracks. Several men in the group drew semiautomatic weapons and rifles out of nowhere. Lex was shocked. They pointed the weapons in the direction they heard the roar. "Anyone have any idea what the hell that was?" Spoke Derrick.

"No." everyone spoke in unison. Lex looked around. She was nervous. "Let's proceed with caution." Derrick instructed. He still had his weapon drawn. Lex looked at the drawn weapons. 'This feels like Bouvetøya.'

Lex walked closely to the team. "Maybe it was an animal, this is the jungle you know." Spoke Holly. Everyone mumbled. They continued on towards the first pyramid. Near the side was an opening. Lex stood to the side and the team walked on. "You're not coming? We should stick together!!" Holly asked. "No. I planned to stay here in the shade and wait for you all. I've had enough interaction with the wealthy explorers granted permission to tour sacred ruins." Lex remarked brazenly. "Alexa, please, it is dangerous!! Did you not hear that roar. You said it yourself, tourist and guides have been known to go missing." Holly reminded her. Lex groaned. "Ms. Woods, I've been given special instructions for you to accompany the team." Derrick informed Lex.

Lex looked at the sky and shook her head. "Very well, lead the way." Lex said unenthusiastically. Thomas walked next to her. "You should stay close so I can protect you." Lex scoffed. He grabbed her arm. "You never know if you may need my help." He said. "You're right, I would hope in any event you would help any of us because it's the honourable thing to do. Not for favouritism." Lex said in return. He held on to her and rubbed her arm. She snatched away and sidestepped him. The group moved further into the pyramid, deep into the chambers. They all entered into a dark room. Lights were set up to illuminate the space. Thomas approached Lex from behind. Rubbing her shoulders. "You know, it's pretty dark in here. I could imagine having a bit of fun." He whispered. Lex grabbed his wrist, twisted it and he fell to his knees. "I'm having a great time. Keep your hands to your self. I'm not going to ask you again. Next time something might snap!" She warned him.

Lex walked away. He hurried to his feet, angry. The other men were busy studying the symbols, carbon dating, collecting sand, rubble and checking the air quality while Holly took pictures. Lex sat against the wall. Two other men were in a corner examining pottery. Trying to film their findings. Lex sat with her head resting against the wall. Charles, a young geologist touched a brick. He pressed it in and was amazed to discover it moved. He began to touch it again when the cave rumbled. The ceiling vibrated. Dust falling on the team, stopped everyone cold. Many started coughing.

"What was that?" Thomas asked. "The caves are a bit unstable. We should proceed on." Dr. Kerbow suggested. Lex got to her feet. She was well and ready to leave. They left the chamber and headed through a low tunnel into another chamber. The air was dry. The cave rumbled again and a wall rolled closed behind them causing a cave in. Blocking their way back and out of the pyramid.

"That did not just happen." Muttered Charles. "What is going on here!!" One shouted. "Yes, how will we get back?" Holly asked. She was starting to panic. Lex took a deep breath. They heard a loud screech. Everyone looked towards the open path. The men drew their weapons and they slowly moved forward.

Lex could kick herself! She immediately regretted this expedition. They walked slowly. "Quiet everyone." Derrick whispered. The screeching continued. "That has to be an animal." Holly stated. "SHHHHHHHH." Dr. Kerbow warned. Lex walked on. Constantly looking behind her. She reached for her knife and thought of her combi-stick. The tunnel was low and the terrain was rocky. She felt an arm grab her. "Are you scared, I can protect you." Thomas muttered in Lex's ear. He touched her face, near Scars mark. She moved away from him and pressed her blade to his throat. "I can protect myself." Lex whispered agitated. She shoved him away from her and walked away.

The tunnel ahead of them opened up to a small cave. Suddenly behind them, one of the armed men screamed....

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