Trophies Onboard Part 11

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      Lex took his hand. They walked on in silence. “I need to walk. I have a million thoughts and questions.” “Very well.” Scar nodded. “I’ve never walked beyond this fence without my rifle or gun. I'm uncertain of any wolves or any other animals that could see me as easy prey.” Scar looked around. He switched between visuals in his mask. He didn't see an animal or ooman in sight. Only small rodents huddle inside of a few trees. “You are safe.” He spoke. Lex smiled. “Lex… you have a family?” “No, my father died many years ago, my mother died when I was really young. I'm an only child. I don't have many friends. I have a few colleagues I can count on but no family. No home really.” “I understand.” Scar replied. “Scar….when did you know you felt this way?” Lex asked. “I knew the moment you killed the kainde amedha and saved my life. I felt an affinity for you. I did not want to acknowledge it. I tried to deny it. You were fearless when you demanded that you accompany me.” He explained. He clicked and trilled lowly. “I see….” She breathed. “You have traveled a long way.” She stated. “Yes.” He clicked.

      “I am in awe of you. Scar…..this is single-handily the most surreal and raw experience I have ever had to wrap my brain around. I am truly grateful to see you. I don't understand how in 1 day we have become so……. open with one another.” She expressed. “Lex I need you. I could not wait any longer. I wanted to come sooner. I was not prepared enough to see you and communicate my feelings and thoughts. I wish for you to be my mate. I want no other.” He announced in finality to her. Lex sighed and squeezed his hands. “Scar that is beautiful and thoughtful. I feel special. Your mate? I feel like I am. Intimately that I have been. Being with you is surreal and deeply fulfilling. You're very caring and I feel cherished. How is this possible to feel spoiled already.” She lowered her eyes. Scar trilled with pleasure.

         They continued to walk across the snowy expanse. Scar pressed a button on his gauntlet. They walked further pass the fence to a huge open field. Lex felt a slight vibration. “Do you feel that?” “Yes, I just powered my ship.” “Your ship, it’s here? I can’t see it.” Just then Scar pressed another button and his ship slowly started to appear. The ships cloak receded as Lex stood stunned. It was grand. Truly magnificent. Deep gunmetal gray. Round elongated oblong shape with pinnacles on each side. It was sleek and smooth. No rivets just refined and seamless. The design was truly, otherworldly. Lex stepped towards it. “Scar, this is amazing.” “Would you like to board it? Take a look around?” Lex went wide eyed. “Yes…” Scar took her hand and they walked towards it. A ramp started to descend that suddenly folded into stairs. Scar motioned for her to walk first.

      She walked onboard and the immense size of his ship stunned her. Scar walked behind her. He pressed two more buttons on his gauntlet, the ramp started to ascend and he turned on the shield and camouflage. Lex stood in awe. Scar moved to her and took her hand. “Let me show you the ship.” Lex nodded and began to walk along side him. There were beams and bright lights, shiny metal columns and the walls were covered in what looked like ancient Sanskrit. Some characters she identified as hieroglyphs and Greek. Others looked like Hebrew. She noticed Native American/ First Nation markings. It was an eclectic wall of languages and many more she couldn’t identify. “Scar, do you understand these markings?” “Yes. I have studied quite a bit since my father brought me my first book and stone tablet from your agaj'ya.” “Agaj'ya, what is that?” “Yes, it means realm.” “Ohhhhh…..I see.” Scar clicked nervously.

       They walked further. He showed her the central command centre, where he pilots his ship. They walked to a room that could only be described as a kitchen or mess hall. The cold-storage box was stocked full of meat! Many vegetables and an abundance of a substance that looked like porridge. Lex looked at everything. “Scar…this is truly amazing.” He nodded. They continued to walk. Lex was startled at how large this ship was. She was already hopelessly lost.

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