When you are crying

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Jin:Don't cry,your pink princess will save you from this disaster!
You:S-so-so I-I'm the prince?*sobs*
Jin:Shushhhh.I'm on my way!*wipes off the tears and cuddles with you*
Suga:Why are you crying?You got no swag (y/n) only I have swag here but not as much as I love you *hugs*
J-Hope:I'M YOUR HOPIE HOPIE FOREVER!!DON'T CRY NEVER NEVER NEVER!!*does aegyo and hugs you tightly*
Rapmon:You know..stop crying..I will do anything for you!I might be the God of Destruction but I'm a Love Monster! *pulls you into a hug and kisses you a thousand of times*
Jimin:Your jams will come on if you stop crying!Stop it or I'll show you my abs.*lifts a bit of his shirt*
*cries again*
V:YOUR ALIEN V WILL MAKE YOU HAPPY AND I WILL MAKE YOU SMILE!!CRYING IS ILLEGAL IN THIS HOUSEE!!*dances,shows,sings to you and does funny gag and aegyo and shows his rectangular smile*
Jungkook:Who the hell made you cried?!Let me know his name and I'll punch or kill him *death glare*
A/N:So whose did you like ? XD I teared up forbno reasons writing this thing HAHAHA..So Request are open!Vote and comment?It would be appreciated!

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