Jin - Coincidence.

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Changing the title

Impact Meeting ㅡ> Coincidence.

[PAST: April 25, 2015]

You were walking in the big mall where there's a lots of stores, clothes shop and everything. You had a shopping bag in your right hand and cup of smoothie in your left hand with your phone. You were joyfully looking around till your smoothie fell on your clothes and then flew on the ground. Your phone was drenched in water as you quickly picked it up, quietly whining.

"No! My phone..what to do.." You dried your phone by passing it through your clothes. While trying to open the screen, you were struggling with the home button. You realized your phone broke. You glanced at something that was the main reason why you were wet and your phone broke ㅡit was a man who was near your age. He was trembling in shock.

"I am sorry, miss! I didn't mean to do that.." he apologized but you remained quiet for a second.

"It's okay," you said, not even looking at him. You were still struggling against your clothes and... your broken phone. You left the place without even cleaning the coffee and even listening to the man who was talking to you. You didn't even take the time to see his face.

You went outside of the building, directing yourself towards your car. You were pulling back and forth the door's handle. It won't open. You furiously searched in your bag for awhile.

"Where is it?!"

You didn't find your car keys unfortunately. Your rage was already reaching the limit, how can you return home? You already had a bad day before the incident with the stranger happened.

"Dongsaeng, can you replace me at work? Please?"

"Namjoon oppa. Today's my first day of resting since I got work at the biggest mall in Seoul,"

"Please, I just injured my left foot. Don't tell Dad and Mom, otherwise, they'll keep watching on me 24/7,"

"How did you injured it,"

"Hehehe you know, you lift 30kg of sandbags and you bring them in trucks. And accidentally, I kinda slipped while transporting it...many things fell on me,"


"That's not fair! I thought I was going to effring relax! I hate you Namjoon, I hate you and that's why I won't grow any taller then,"

"Aw, I love you too,"


"Yah! (Y/N)! How many times do I have to tell you?!" Namjoon's boss was on the verge of yelling at you ---which he almost did.

"It's not my fault! Who transports sandbags that freaking weight 30kg and put them on many trucks?! Why did he choose that job?" You protested which increased his anger towards you, you picked up again the bag and tried to transport it without causing any troubles.


"Yah! I told you, the beach owner doesn't want a 30kg but a 50 kg! Go change it now,"

"Oh are you kidding Yoongi-nim? That weights way more than me yet you want me to transport that? Hell no!"

"Do as I say. No complaining. Otherwise, Namjoon's gonna get fired. Because. Of. You,"

He pissed you off.


"Sorry...here, it's just that, I moved here so it's a little different from me. "

BTS IMAGINES!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon