I started to remove my earrings and my necklace and bangles and I dropped them on the side table

I knew Umar prayed downstairs in their mosque because the imam called prayer like an hour ago

I expected Umar to give me this silent treatment, but again, he always does that

But what I didn't expect was to turn to my right to see him shirtless in only his sweatpants and a towel around his neck


I quickly turned my head to the other side

My face was red that I could actually feel it

I quickly stood up and I headed to the closet

I took everything I would need from my box and I entered the bathroom

I took my shower and I performed ablution

I came out with my towel around me and thankfully Umar wasn't there

I changed into my pajamas and I rubbed my wet hair with my hair towel before I packed it into a ponytail

I entered into the room to see him laid on the left side of the bed and he was thankfully wearing a shirt

He looked up from his phone to look at me I turned away and I laid the prayer mat and I put the hijab on

After I was done I neatly folded the prayer mat and the hijab

I silently stood up and I climbed on the right side of the bed

Ok, well I honestly don't like sharing a bed with people because of how much I turn in my sleep

In fact they don't like sharing a bed with me so I just pity Umar...well a little since he's still not taking to me

I went under the covers which literally swallowed me up

It seemed like if I didn't talk this guy wouldn't

I turned to look at him and he was still using his phone

"So you're actually planning on not talking to me" I said

He turned to look at me and he dropped the phone on the side drawer

He turned to me and he didn't speak

Is he even serious

"I'm sorry" I said

It took him some time before he finally nodded

I internally rolled my eyes

I decided to start a conversation "i am still working as your assistant?"

"No" he finally said

"Well are you going tomorrow?" I asked

"Yes" he said

"Can I come with you?" I asked

There was no way I was going to stay in this house tomorrow, Hauwa was the only one I was kind of close to, and she had school tomorrow, Aliya too would be with her teacher outside for half of the day so no

He thought for some seconds before he spoke "sure"

I was actually surprised he actually agreed

"But that doesn't mean you'll come with me any time you want" he said

"Sure" I whispered

He stood up and he went towards the switch and he turned the lights off


I had some kind of phobia for the dark

Even at home, I sleep with a lamp on

He came back to his normal position and he laid down

"Umar" I called

It took him sometime before he replied "Hameeda"

"I don't like the dark" I whispered

I thought he wasn't going to do something about it until he later moved and he turned the lamp on his side and some light spread through the room

I turned to see his captivating eyes looking at me

I gulped before I turned the other way

"Thank you" I said

Well hello there

Abeg you guys shouldn't come and disturb my Hameeda😂

Some people just don't like the dark

I felt like I should say this 😂


Love, M🥘

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