Chapter 19

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Friday was here...again!

It seemed like Fridays were always the highlight of my week these days

It's been a week since Baba dropped the bomb to me

And well...

I have just been going around giving cards to my friends, relatives and cousins

I was honestly forced to do this by Aunty, because I had no intention of going out today

The yinnin biki card for the females and the daurin aure card for the males

Everyone I tell about this wedding becomes shocked that they didn't hear about it

And they don't even know that i'm as shocked as them

I had the intention of giving Khadija a card, but I didn't know if I should give Umar one

Ok, let me not be like this, even though the guy is grumpy and he left me in an unknown place, he did come to see me at the hospital through my stay there and he did pay for the bill, the least I could do is invite him to my so called wedding

And I don't even know if he's around

Rabi'ah did tell me he travelled

I took a deep breath and I told Baba sani to take me to his office

I directed Baba sani to the office and I came out when we reached

I entered and I got a few waves and smiles from the people i noticed

I went up the elevator and to the floor his office was on

I entered to see Khadija

She hugged me so tight I thought I would break

Once she released me she grinned wide "I'm so glad you are ok!"

I smile back at her

"I actually came to give you this" I said as I hand her over the yinnin biki card

"Zakiyi Aure?" She asked (You're getting married?)

I nodded with a little smile

She hugged me again "congratulations, I'm so Happy for you"

But I'm not happy for my self

When we talked a little I asked her the question I've been wanting to ask since I came in

" Mr Kashim around?" I asked

"Yes" she Said

"Oh...i thought he travelled" I said

"He did, he went to Russia for a business meeting some days ago, but he came back yesterday" she said

"Ok then, let me go in" I told her

"Sure" she said as she released my arm that she was holding

I slowly opened the heavy doors

Umar slowly looked up from his work

If he looked surprised, he didn't show it

"Miss Yusuf" he addressed

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