Chapter 68

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Umar's POV

"Umar" Hameeda said as she came out of her room

I looked up at her "Na'am"

"My water broke some minutes ago" she casually said 

I sat up straight "really?!, are you ok?, do we go to the hospital?"

"No, I'm fine, I don't feel anything yet"

"Are you sure?" I said as I slowly stood up

She nodded "I called aunty, she instructed me on what to do, she said that I can go now if I want to or I should start going when I start to feel any contractions"

"Are you sure?" I asked again

She laughed  "Yes Umar, we can go later, but I'm fine now"

"But the scan showed, you have two to three weeks left, is that normal?" I asked 

She nodded as she sat down and she dragged my hand so I can sit down too "yes, Aunty said it's normal to not reach the due date"

I was actually amazed at the fact that she looked calm

i stopped looking at her when I made sure she was ok

I turned to look at time "I'll pray Maghreb in the house Incase you need me"

She nodded and she smiled at me before I stood up


"Umar" I heard Hameeda's voice call in my sleep

"Hm" I answered still not fully awake

"Umar!" Her voice sounded more alarming this time

My eyes instantly opened and I turned to see her kneeled down on the other side of the bed with her hands clenching the mattress as she softly panted

I quickly stood up and I walked to where she was

"I think I'm in labour" she said as she closed her eyes

I didn't let the panic show in my face so she'll not panic more

"Ok, ok, ok that's fine, we'll go to the hospital" I said as I  rushed out of the room and into her room to get an abaya

I got an abaya and I came back before I helped her wear it and I picked up my phone putting it inside the pocket of my sweatpants together with my wallet and keys

I raised her up as we went out the room with me supporting half of her weight

We reached the front door when she held my arm "Umar the baby's bag" she said

I remembered the little suitcase she packed two days ago which had everything her and the baby needed

I left her at the front door before I rushed back in before I went to the baby's room and I brought out the little black suitcase in the corner and I ran out

I went back to where I left her to see tears in her eyes and her cry louder than before

"Hameeda calm down, I'll get you to the hospital now ok?" I said as I wrapped an arm around her shoulder and holding the suitcase in my other hand

I threw the suitcase in the the backseat and I helped her into the passenger's seat before running to the driver's seat

I started the car and I loudly horned at the gate for the securities to open it

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