Chapter 16

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I face palmed myself when Rumaisa dashed out of the room

Ya Abdul chuckled while looking at his phone

This guy has mood swings, wasn't he the one angry just now

I rolled my eyes at him just as Rumaisa walked in with Umar behind her

I was actually scared her face would split into half because of how wide her grin was

She walked to the couch Ya Abdul was sitting and she sat beside him as they looked at us

Oh My God

These people need help

Umar took his seat on the stool, his back facing them and he looked at me

"What?" He asked

"Ouch, My phone, is it with you?" I asked

He frowned a little before he reached his hand into his pocket and he brought it out "I forgot to give you earlier"

I shrugged and I collected it, i frowned when I saw a crack "why is it cracked though?"

He turned my hand to see the phone and he shrugged "I'll get you a new one"

"No thank you" I said as I wiped the crack, as if it will fade away

"The doctor said you could go today" he said

"The best thing you've told me in forever" I said

When I saw he was getting ready to leave I spoke "Friday?"

I knew he knew what I meant

"Maybe, Maybe not" with that he stood up

He nodded at Ya Abdul and Rumaisa before leaving the room

I totally forgot They were even here

"Am I missing something?" Ya Abdul asked

"What?" I asked

"You know what I'm talking about" he said

"No I don't"

"What's going on between you and this guy?" He asked

"Nothing!" I said as I tried Turning on my phone only to notice the battery is dead

"It seems like you two have been best friends for years" he said

"Exactly, he offered to buy you a new phone" Rumaisa said

"Abeg leave me alone"

"Hameeda why are you snatching my husband away from me?" She asked

"Innalillahi! Which husband kuma?, Abeg you can have him"

"Naji din, Ina so" she said as rolled her eyes (I've heard, I want him)

"Baki da kunya Wallahi, take my phone and charge it" I said as I handed her the phone (You don't have shame I swear)

She stood up and she reluctantly collected it before she searched for a charger through her bag

The door opened and aunty walked in

"I was just about to ask about you, Ina kika je?" I asked (where did you go)

"I was outside talking to your father, he doesn't even have to come, the doctor said you are getting discharged today" she told me

"Yeah I was told"


It was nice to be finally back home in my bed

Immediately I reached home, I first showered, I said my prayers and then I was in bed, I didn't know when sleep enveloped me

When I woke up, the first person I saw was Rabi'ah talking with Rumaisa

When she notices I'm up she rushes forward and she hugs me before she helps me sit up

She sat as the edge of my bed "Rumaisa told me what happened, sannu kinji?"

I smiled at her

"Which friend is this?" She asked

Oh My God, everyone must ask this question

"She says Amina, we don't know which Amina" Rumaisa interrupted

"Is it that Amina tukur in our class?" Rabi'ah asks

"No not her" I said

"Then what's her surname?"

"I can't remember, the name is pretty hard" I said

"So you are telling me, you went out with a girl that you don't even know her surname?" Rabi'ah said

"I didn't say I didn't know, I said I couldn't remember" I corrected

"Literally the same thing"

"Not really " i shrugged

"Ok, then you need help" she said

Rumaisa nodded in agreement just as aunty called her

She stood up and she left the room

Immediately she left Rabi'ah turned to me "ok spill"

"What?" I asked

She rolled her eyes "you don't expect me to believe this your story, if everyone does then definitely not me"

I sighed, I knew I had to tell someone about this, at least one person, I couldn't leave all this to my self, it would drive me insane

So I told her everything, to the time Umar followed me down to when I ended up in the hospital

By the time I was done with the story she was on her feet

"So, what you're trying to tell me now is that you work for Umar Kashim?"

I rolled my eyes "is that the only thing you got from this conversation?"

"Wow, I knew he wasn't going to leave you after what you did to him, he had to come up with something to pay back"

I nodded in agreement

"Now the real question is, what's his plan?" She said

"Exactly!" I exclaimed

"He definitely has a plan, he can't hire you to be his PA just like that" she said

"You're right" I said

"Ugh, it would have been more easier to hate him if he was ugly, I dislike him now for leaving you in that place alone" she said

"But that foot massage tho" she said with a smile that looked suspiciously like a smirk

I took the nearest pillow and I hit her with it "don't even think about it!"

"About what?, you're the one getting ideas here not me" she said with a laugh

"So are you going to his office in Friday or not?" She asked

"I don't know, even if I go it will be really hard to sneak out if I'm like this, I did try asking him if I should come but his answer was 'maybe, maybe not' " I said

"This guy is full of mysteries" she said as she laid down beside me on the bed

"He is" I agreed

Hey guys

How are you all doing?

Sorry for the short chapter

But I hope you enjoyed it

If you did then...
Keep on

Love, M🌌

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