Chapter 7

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I stormed into the house with the plastic shopping bags that I stopped to get from my car in my hands.

After dropping the bags in the kitchen I went straight to my room.

My stupid eyes betrayed me, I didn't even get to reach my bed before the waterworks began.

I'm usually not the one to cry, I usually sit and try to think of how to get myself out of the mess but this is so so messed up.

This doesn't only involve me now, it involves my family too. It was all fun and games when they were referring to how dangerous he is but nothing happening right now is funny.

I tried to calm myself before my cries turn into hysterics.

How did my life take a U turn in a matter of 24 hours? I find out I'm getting married in three weeks, I have an encounter with this man, and now he threatens to harm my brother if I don't work for him?

It's okay. I am okay.

No you're not! You have no idea how sane this man is or how far he's willing to go to get back at you.

I know. I know.

But I can't back out now.

What I need to figure out is what Umar Kashmir wants from me.


The week passed in a blur.

Aunty had tried talking to Baba about my marriage but he still stands on the fact that I'm getting married in three weeks.

The scary part is he had not uttered to any of us who the man is, he had me wondering if he was even real at all....well I wish he's not.

Not that anyone bothered asking anyway, I did not care who he was, I just knew that I do not want to see him nor do I want to be in a marital relationship with him.

Today's Friday.

The day I'm meant to start working for the man, and despite convincing myself that I am not, I am Indeed very Very nervous.

I had not uttered anything to anyone, even Ya Abdul, especially Ya Abdul. Considering he's kind of the reason I accepted this someone may believe he should know, but I couldn't decide whether telling him will be the right thing to do, so I decided to listen to my guts and I shut my mouth, trying to act normal throughout the week, acting as if I was not having a full blown heart attack as I waited for Friday.

The keyword there was 'trying'.

i watched the message from the Unknown number on my screen for the hundredth time today.

It was an address, I received it this morning. It didn't take a genius to know it was from Umar Kashim.

My mind wandered to how Rumaisa would literally push someone over a cliff to have his number.

She can have it, everything! In fact she can take my place!

I rolled my eyes knowing the stupid girl would love to take my place, with her brother's life on the line or not.

I looked up wondering where on earth the Uber driver is.

"You look tensed." Rabi'ah said as she poked my shoulder with her finger.

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