Chapter 50

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This chapter is dedicated to muslimah_khadijah because she's amazing and I love her 😙😂❤️


We entered into the venue with Umar beside me

As we entered literally all eyes turned to us we look like the bride and groom?

I felt Umar's hand grip on mine

I looked up to look at him but he wasn't even looking at me as he continued walking

I wished I listened to Umar and I changed my outfit!

I could literally feel everyone's eyes on me

We walked down the red carpet to where the bride and groom are seated

What the hell is he doing??!

You aren't supposed to just approach the bride and groom in the middle of the event!

The MC is even speaking!

You're supposed to find a place and Sit down and watch them until they're free to take pictures with guests!

He didn't seem to know that or he just didn't care

I'll go with the latter...

We reached where they were seated

The groom stood up and he engulfed Umar in a hug and Umar awkwardly hugged him back

They released each other and they said something which was inaudible due to the loud music

When they were done talking I exchanged greetings with the groom and the bride

The groom told a guy standing beside him to take us to our seats

Wow, why are we treated like VIP guests

Maybe because you are VIP guests
My mind told me

Well Umar is, not me

We were led to our seats which was a table in the front row which was already occupied with a few other people Umar seemed to know

We sat down as the event continued

We were back from the dinner

Umar has to literally drag me into the house

I was already sleepy when we entered the car and then I fell asleep in the car and it took time to get home because of the huge traffic

So I was basically all the way in New Zealand when we reached home

"Careful" I heard him say

I managed to open my eyes lids to see us in the living room

I practically whined "we've been walking for hours!, I'm sleeping here"

"No you're not" Umar said as he held on my arm tighter when I began to walk towards the couch

He bent down before he scooped me into his arms

I immediately snuggled my face into his chest as my eyes closed

Half a minute later I felt myself laid on a soft mattress, but I still didn't feel comfortable

"Wake up, you need to change or else you'll be uncomfortable" I heard him say

Oh, that's why I didn't feel relaxed

"Leave it, it's not like the skirt is coming out anyway" I murmured

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