Chapter 64

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This chapter will keep switching between Umar and Hameeda's POV


Umar's POV

I turned on the coffee machine just as my phone rang

I brought it out from my pocket to see Abdul calling me again

I've ignored every single call for the past one month since I arrived here in England

Abdul has been calling since a week ago, I do not know why he keeps bothering me

I decided to answer the call once and for all

I answered it and I kept quiet waiting for him
to speak

"You're an idiot" he said when he realized I picked up

I leaned back against the counter waiting for him to say whatever he has to say before I hang up

"A big idiot, why are you treating my sister like this?! If you don't want her as your wife anymore then let her go, divorce her! We all know what you are going through but that doesn't mean you have the right to detest her like this, you have no idea what she's going through because of you, she's becoming miserable!, what you're doing now is making her turn into a complete different person! You are ruining her Umar! much as I want to point out all the wrong things you've been doing, I didn't call to give you a long talk, I'm calling to make sure you aware of what's going on, because with how things are going, if caution isn't taken, I am scared that I might have to lose my sister, just like you lost yours"

With that he cut off the call

I stood still and i watched the beeping coffee machine as I let his words register into my head

Something about his last sentence stirred something in me

And before I knew it I began dialing a number

He picked up

"Hello sir?" Steve said

"Get the jet ready, I'm going back home"


Hameeda's POV

Rumaisa and Rabiah left a few hours ago

I just prayed Isha and I was seated in my carpet when a call from Aisha my doctor came in

She was the doctor who revealed to me that I'm pregnant

And from then I've been going back to her

And we've become close friends

But she somehow seemed to become more closer to Ya Abdul

I have a strong feeling there's something going on between them

"Hello Hameeda?"

"Na'am Aisha"

"Ya kikeh?, ya jiki jiki?" She asked (How are you?, How's your health?)

"Lafiya Alhamdulillah, ya gida?" (How's home?)

"Alhamdulillah, did you take the medicine I asked you to?" She asked

"Mhm" I said

Honestly speaking I didn't

I forgot about it

She sighed and I knew she saw through my lie

"Haba Hameeda, bakya kyauta ma kanki da dan nan, we can all see what you're going through but you need to be taking care of yourself, you are putting you and your child at risk" she said (You're not helping yourself and this child)

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