Chapter 38

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I gave another update in less than 16 hours

I'm awesome I Know 😎😂

Enjoy! 😘


When we went to the dinning table everyone wished me a happy Birthday

And well breakfast was great

Everyone was happy

I glared at Aliyu who pushed my chair a little when he was passing with a smile on his face

I rolled my eyes before I smiled back at him

I was turning back to my food when I saw Umar frowning back at his own food

After breakfast Fa'iza and Hauwa packed all the gifts from Umar's room and they brought it to Hauwa's room

Well, how do I even start

I got a gold bracelet from Nona and a bouquet, Aliya gave me a card and a bouquet , Fahad gave me a Jumia gift card and a bouquet and Umar was right, I can't even remember most of them

I literally don't know what to do with all these flowers

But I can remember Hauwa got my a hand bag and a perfume, and Fa'iza and gift card for a spa treatment for two which she said was for me and her and a beautiful pair of black shoes

"I honestly have never felt more loved"

"Oya don't cry"

But honestly I felt like crying

"Well there's now one person who hasn't given you a gift" Hauwa said

"Who?" I asked, to be honest everyone gave me a gift, even Maman Halima who doesn't like me

Hauwa face palmed herself "Ya Umar!"


"Which 'oh' I seriously can't wait" she said

I rolled my eyes, I already got my birthday smile which is enough for me

I picked up the gift Aliyu gave me apart from the big three heart balloons he got, there was a box of my favorite chocolate and the third gift made me laugh, this boy is not alright, he got a picture framed of me, him, and Rabi'ah took together

This picture was taken on I and Rabi'ah's secondary school graduation

He had his arms wrapped around our shoulders and he was looking at the camera making a funny face

"Wai how do you know Ya Aliyu, I've been curious since yesterday when I saw you two talking" Fa'iza said

"Well, he's been Rabi'ah's boyfriend since our last year of secondary school, and well we have been good friends since then, A year and a half ago he ran off to military school, without telling Rabi'ah" I explained

"Well, he didn't even want to go, he was forced to by Baba, that's why he went off without telling anyone" Fa'iza his sister said

"Yeah he told me"

"Uh...Hauwa can I leave the gifts in your room?" I asked her

She nodded

I've literally have been leaving my things in people's rooms

Even the boxes Nona gave me are still in her room

Well, Umar said our house would be ready in a day or two so that's good

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