Chapter 25

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I followed her up the stairs

We went right and there was a hallway

We entered another living room in the beginning of the hallway

We entered to see two women seated there, one of them was talking to Yazid

He smiled at me and he waved

I waved back at him

"This is My mom" Halima said seating next to the other lady

"..And this is my Aunty, Aunty Yusra, she's Yazid's mum" she said showing the other lady

I smiled and I sat on the carpet they were already sitting on

"Ina wuni" I greeted them

"Lafiya kalau" they replied

Halima's mum carefully looked at me while the other smiled at me

"Ya kike?" The boy's mother asked

"Lafiya kalau"

She was about to speak again when Halima's mum spoke

"Itache ta bata miki party kuma ta ma Umar wulakanchi, kuma yazo yache zai aure ta" she said (She was the one who spoilt your party and she disgraced Umar, and now he's saying he wants to marry her)

Doesn't everyone get that it was his fault!!!

Halima nodded in agreement

I never liked this girl

"Mama keep quiet let her not tell him we said something" Halima whispered to her mum but I heard her

They know I can hear them right?

"Let her tell him nau, Maybe he even wants to marry her so he can teach her a lesson, since she knows how to disgrace people" she said

Aunty Yusrah just shook her head at them in disappointment and she gave me a sympathetic look

I honestly didn't even care, what I cared about was what he what she was saying was true, what if Umar only wanted to marry me so he could take revenge for what i did to him, I mean, according to what people say, he could do something like that

Oh My God!

Is this really true??!!

No wonder he agreed to marrying me so quickly

Innalillahi wa inna ilaihirajiun

Don't be too fast to jump to conclusions something told me

But at that point, I was getting convinced

I suddenly didn't want to meet any of the family members anymore

I shot my head back to their conversation

"Uh..zan tafi Sai anjima" I said (I'm leaving,  Goodbye)

Aunty Yusrah smiled at me "Toh, Greet everyone at home"

I smiled back and I stood up and I left the living room

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