Chapter 17

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Friday came in a flash

In fact, the whole week has been a flash

News had seem to spread about my incident and people came to see me everyday

I honestly didn't know I was that special

Even my aunties from my mom's side from kaduna that barely visit came

The last time time I talked to Umar was the day at the hospital

And week had been ok

What I didn't know was what would happen today, it was Friday

I was supposed to be at his office

But he hasn't called me to tell me to come yet

And I knew the word 'maybe, maybe not' definitely meant something in Umar Kashim's case

Rabi'ah came everyday to show me her notes so I would know what I was missing

She said she was coming today after school

The injury on My foot was getting better Alhamdulillah

I stood up and I limped to the the dinning table where everyone was having breakfast

I greeted everyone and I sat down

I was almost done with my breakfast when Baba spoke

"Hameeda, meet me at the living room when you're done" he said and he stood up

I exchanged a look with Aunty and she gave me a nod of reassurance

I suddenly felt full so I pushed my plate away and I followed him to the living room

I went in with a salam and I sat down on the carpet

"I had a talk with you about two week ago" he said

I nodded

"I said you were getting married in three weeks" he said

I nodded again

"That means two weeks gone and one more left" he said

I froze

"But, since this happened to you I will give you one more week" he said

"Remember, I don't change my decision, so, nor you or Ruqqayah can stop me, do you understand? So save yourself trouble and stop telling her to talk to me" he said and he took his phone that suddenly started ringing and he answered it placing it on his ear

I took that as my sign to leave

I rushed out of the living room and into my room

I was telling myself not to cry but it seemed harder every second

My phone rang and it took me some seconds to realize it was in my pocket

I picked it up and I answered it

"Hello?" I asked with a shaky voice

"Come out, I'm outside" his deep voice said before he hung up

I took several deep breaths before I found an abaya and I put it on and I untied the veil on  my head and I placed it on my head and wrapped it around my neck

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