Chapter 8

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Did I say working here won't be bad?!

Well I was wrong.

I was so so wrong

I hate Umar Kashmir.
I hate Umar Kashim.
I hate whatever it is he calls himself.

When I took his coffee to him he told me, and I quote "I never told you how I wanted my coffee."

Well whose fault it that?!!?

He made me go back and get the SAME coffee!

Only this time the only difference being he told me himself he wanted it with no milk.

Who does that??

After I got that I had to finish the first one because I
couldn't possibly waste it.

And did I mention that I hate coffee without milk!?

I got him the second one and he told me it was too sweet.

And I was there when Daniel made the coffee, he didn't put sugar and I saw it!

So he made me get him green tea the third time and I also had to finish the second cup of coffee.

Ashe yau ba bachi!
(There's no sleep today!)

The third time he didn't complain about the green tea but he did give me a long list of people with their numbers that I had to call and cancel the appointments he had with them.

It took every effort in me not to burst out crying.

But I had to stay strong, I's just the first day.

I was in the middle of having a conversation with the last person on the long list.

Others on the list didn't argue when I told them about their appointments being cancelled.

But this particular one that I'm speaking to is way too annoying...and that's coming from me.

"I'm sorry sir, but he has things that came up that he has to do tomorrow so the appointment has to be cancelled, you will receive an email tomorrow morning with the details of the new appointment." I told him for the hundredth time.

"But why?" The man still asked.

I removed the phone from my ear, pressing the red button and ending the call, because what do I even do!? You asked why and I explained, you asked and I explained, and you're still asking again!

I usually won't get irritated this easily, i say it's the Kashmir man that's rubbing off his negative energy on me.

And I've been here for barely 5 hours, by the time I'm done working here I'll be a full blown wicked woman, the villains in those Indian movies will have a run for their money.

Speaking of the day I'll eventually stop working here...when is it? I cursed myself for not reading the damn contract.

My eyes almost bulged out of their sockets when I looked up to see to see the wall clock in front of me.

It's getting to Six pm!

I was supposed to get home by like 12 but I lied to aunty saying I had some extra lessons to take.

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