Chapter 12

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There was a knock on my door.

"Come in" I said.

Khadija walked in holding a phone.

"Umm..sir, Hameeda's phone has been ringing, and her bag is here too...and you two left together and she's not I was wonder-.."

"I left her there" I told her.

Her eyes widened before she gulped.

"Um...sir?" She said.

"What?" I asked, getting annoyed by her presence.

"I-I don't think she went back home" she said.

"Why do you think that?"

"Sir, people have been calling her."

Her phone rang again and Khadija hastily walked up to me and she handed it over it to me.

I collected it and I answered the phone before placing it on speaker.

"Hello??....Hameeda?...Ina kike?..Hameeda?...Kina jina?..innalillahi, kaman bata jina fah" with that she cut off the phone

(Where are you? can you hear me?, it's like she can't hear me)

"Sir, you see, she's not home yet, and it's raining heavily, and it's 7 in the evening" Khadija said looking really worried.

I shouldn't have left her there alone.

I made a move to pick up my keys to go get her when my phone rang, I looked down to see Al'amin calling.  I picked up the  phone and I answered the call

"Hello Al'amin."

"Umar, are you at your office?" He asked me.


"Toh dan Allah ka zo qasa." he said.

(Then please come downstairs.)


"Just come."

I slid my phone into my pockets before picking up my keys and standing up. I walked past a confused looking Khadija as I left the room.

Immediately I went out the building I saw him, he was leaned against his car, the rain was over but it was still cold and drizzling a little, why is he standing outside?

What is happening?

The first thing i noticed when I got closer to him was the faint presence of blood on his white kaftan.

"Who did you kill Al'amin?" I joked.

But he wasn't smiling, and that seemed odd because Al'amin was always the one to smile.

I turned serious "What happened?"

He moved away from the car and it felt like my heart dropped to my stomach.

Hameeda was laying unconscious in the back seat.

My eyes automatically closed.

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