Chapter 67

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She unlocked the car and I got in

She gave me a big smile as she collected the plastic bag from me

"Thank youuu!" She said as she opened it

"You're welcome"

I reversed the car and we got on the road

She sighed when she ate the first piece "it tastes better than the first time I had it"

I chuckled

"They were actually open?" She asked as she looked at the time


"Mhm" I said

I didn't want to go through a whole lecture about how I terrorized a poor guy

"Wow, Strange" she said as she happily ate

This was the first thing she actually almost finished

Others she only took a bite or two

And some she says she doesn't feel like eating it anymore when I come back into the car with the food.

I looked at the road in front of me before I sighed

I couldn't understand why there is traffic at 11 pm

We are now presently stuck in it

Nothing was moving

It looked as if there was something that happened

Hameeda didn't even care as she was almost through eating

"I saw an email from the hospital saying they have moved" she told me

"Really?" I asked

"Yes they had moved to maitama" she said


Some minutes passed and we were still in the traffic

She held my arm and I stopped frowning at the car in front of me and I turned to look at her

"Have this" she said as she brought a piece of chicken close to my mouth

I quickly shook my head

This woman made me finish the burger and fries that she couldn't finish and the Chinese food she didn't even look at and also a large cup of smoothie

I was filled

"Na qoshi, finish it" I said

She shook her head "No, I'm full too, please finish it, it's just one piece"

"One big piece" I corrected

I still leaned forward and I collected the piece of chicken in my mouth

My eyebrows raised up at how good it tasted

"Da daddi koh?" She grinned (It's nice right?)


"Toh ka gani" (So you see)

I smiled as I watched her

I enjoyed looking at her

Nothing much about how hameeda looked changed during this pregnancy

Yes she might have lost weight when I was gone

But I made sure she gained it back

She basically still looks the same way she looked when I first saw her, only this time with a big baby bump

The curvy average height girl who couldn't shut up

It surprised me and probably everyone else at the fact that she didn't have any physical change

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