Chapter 63

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5 months Later

It's been 5 months yes

Five Months and 14 days since Aliya left us

It's been the hardest months of my life

Coping with my pregnancy and living without Aliya

And Five months of hiding my pregnancy from

Yes, that's unfortunately true too

The only people who know are Ya Abdul, Rabiah, and Aunty

And the few hospital staff I meet when I go for my check ups

You must be wondering how I've managed to hide it from Umar for so long

It's really easy honestly, because I rarely see him

He spends probably one or two days a week at home

The rest of the days, he goes to his house or somewhere else I don't know of 

The days he spends at home, I only see him in the morning

That is also because I don't go back to sleep after fajr because he goes out super early in the morning

And always comes back after I sleep

If he needs something he does it himself and if he has to speak to me about it then I promise you the conversation won't last 6 seconds

I didn't know why he was punishing me like that

I did try talking to him uncountable times

He only ignores me

He doesn't even stay with me!

How am I supposed to tell him I'm pregnant when he doesn't even know of my existence anymore

I've tried telling him multiple times, but failing to,

As stupid at it sounds It didn't feel like the right time do so, and at the same time I didn't want to say it through call or text

I honestly don't remember the last time I spoke to him

Probably 1 month ago when he told me he was going on a business trip to England

And that was also through the phone when he was in the Airport and about to take off

I didn't even understand why he even bothered to tell me

All he did was send someone from his office to bring me money like thrice in a week

I didn't even know why he bothered, he already gave me his credit card

I didn't even use the money

I just collect it from the person who brought it and I go keep it in his room

I'm tired, I'm really tired

I still love Umar, and I don't think I'll ever stop loving him

But I'm tired

I think I've ran home about four times now crying to Aunty about how I'm tired of this marriage

Yes, it has reached to that point

But she always sends me back telling me how this is just a test from Allah and I have to be patient

But I'm sure that If it's up to Umar this can continue forever

He rather divorce me than leave me here honestly

And everyone knew about this 'issue' we were having

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