Chapter 57

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I woke up from the pain that kept disturbing me

I turned to see an empty space next to me

I frowned until I heard the sound of water hitting the sink in the toilet and my features relaxed

I turned to see Umar coming out of the bathroom

He looked so much better than he did Yesterday

I tried to stand up but I flinched when I felt the pain

I tried one more time but I couldn't stand up

I felt Umar's presence in front of me and I looked up

He had a frown on his face as he sat down next to me

He tried to raise up my shirt but I moved away

He gave me a glance before he moved closer and before I could react his hands made their way to my shirt and he raised it up

He froze when he saw the bruises on my stomach

He turned to the side table on my side and he picked up the first aid box there

I kept it there after I treated his wound yesterday

Without saying anything to me he opened it and he brought out an ointment and he applied it to the bruises

It stung every time he applied it

I flinched "da zafi" I whispered (it hurts)

"I know, I'm sorry" he says speaking for the first time today

He closed the ointment when he was done and he placed it back into the first aid box

"Thank you" I whispered

"Don't thank me Hameeda, I'm sorry, I caused this, I hurt you"

I sat up straighter and I wrapped my arms around him, something I've been wanting to do since before he passed out

He leaned back against the head of the bed and I followed with my head on his shoulder and his arms around me

I slowly rubbed his back when I began to feel how hard his heart was beating

I was scared he was going to panic like yesterday

I leaned down and I kissed his shoulder in assurance that everything will be fine

It hurts me to see him so vulnerable

"Tell me, I'm listening"

When he kept quiet I understood that he didn't want to talk about it

I know how losing a mother feels, but this is different

I've never seen my mother before so I was never attached to her, and another difference is Umar's mother was murdered, forcefully taken away from him

And from what he was saying yesterday, by her own brother

I slipped my hand into his shirt as I rubbed the hard muscles of his back

That made him tighten his grip on me

"I'm not leaving Umar" I told him to assure him

"Don't, please"

Those two words shattered me

I didn't know when I started crying

Umar removed his head from the best rest and he looked down at me he sat up well holding my hand "what's wrong? Did i hurt you again?"

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