Chapter 69

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^I remember putting this song on the first chapter of this book, so for the last chapter

We'll listen to it again 😌


Hameeda Ya Umar is waiting in the parlor" Rumaisa told me as she poked her head through the door

I nodded and she left closing the door behind her

I picked up Aliya from beside me and she frowned in her sleep as her eyes opened, scrunching up her face ready to cry

"Shhhh" I said as I raised her up

She closed her eyes but the frown remained on her face

Oh ni Hameedatu, this guy has taught my daughter how to frown

I shook my head in amusement as I placed her on my shoulder, slowly patting her back as I walked out of my room going to baba's parlor

It's been a week since I gave birth

I was living in my father's house now, well because per tradition I have to spend 40 days at home before going back to my husband's house

Of course Umar had to argue, saying how he doesn't understand why I have to go home

But with tons of convincing from Nona, Aunty and even daddy

This guy allowed me come home

He came to see me at least thrice a day

Wait let me rephrase that, he comes to see his child at least thrice a day

He doesn't even care about me, mtchww

Today is the naming ceremony and the house was a bit filled already with my family members

I walked into the living room to see him looking down at his phone dressed in a white babban riga and a zanna bukar cap

I smirked


Su Baba Umar manya!

He looked up when he felt my presence and he kept his phone in his pocket before he smiled at me

I smiled back

"Ina kwana" I said as I sat down beside him and I handed him Aliya (Good Morning)

"Lafiya qalau" he said as he smiled down at Aliya

I watched as her eyes slowly opened

He brushed his thumb against her cheek slowly and a side of her lips raised up in a smile

Hm, this girl is definitely a daddy's girl

I have already given up on the thought of her liking me more

I am 100% sure she'll prefer her dad

She smiles a lot, but at the same time she frowns a lot

A perfect blend of I and Umar

After they finished their bonding and staring at each other he turned to me

It is now that he'll notice me

"Ya kike?" He asked (How are you?)

"Sai yanzu?" I asked (until now?)

He chuckled as he held my arm bringing me closer to him

"Lafiya qalau" I said as laid my head on his shoulder as he pulled me for a side hug

"Did you feed her?" He asked

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