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My body ran cold, the temperature of the room suddenly dropped and the eerie silence surrounding the room enhanced the sound of my thumping heart. I stood rooted to my spot unwilling to move, not even sure it was an option as I felt as if I no longer had control of my body's movements.

"Kill him," my father ordered breaking the silence.

The look of pure horror on the boy's face hit my core almost as if he knew I would do it. Yet, the curiosity on his face still seemed he had hopes I wouldn't be the one to do it. I didn't, that's the last thing I could possibly want to do. The mixed emotions of fear, shock, and disgust of my fathers words consumed me yet I still mentained my composure.

The sound of laughter echoed through the room and my head automatically shifted to the source of the sound, the boy. His laugh was mocking, he knew I didn't want do this, he's right.

"You're asking this pathetic little girl to kill me?" The boy's hoarse voice chuckled as he looked at my father.

Dad didn't say a word but he just looked at him without any expression.

"She's a weak little girl, look at her, she could never kill me, she looks like if you've asked her to kill herself," he grinned looking at me.

My eyes crept up slowly to his and we just stared at each other. His grin never leaving his face as it mocked me, making me remember he called me weak and pathetic.

Yet his eyes told a different story, he was not there, his eyes were blank almost like he no longer had the will to live. It held sadness and refusal to go on yet content with his life. He wanted me to do it, his body spoke differently from his words.

"Do it now!" My father commanded in a harsh tone snapping my attention to his cold face, the one of a killer for sure.

The boy laughed dryly once more and something in me clicked. He was the enemy, being a child doesn't matter. If he was not bonded at the moment he wouldn't spare a moment of thought before trying to kill both my father and I. He tried to before.

"Be quiet," I said calmly feeling my body relax. My voice sounded confident, unlike the way I felt at this moment.

I have to do this, for my father, for myself. The punishment for not obeying him is one I wouldn't like to find out.

I didn't look at my father as I calmly yet confidently walked over to the table lined with weapons. The first thing that caught my attention was a blade unlike the rest. It was dull, rusted and didn't glistened under the harsh white light that hung in the room.

The boy, a teenager probably 17 chuckled and shook his head.

"She's stupid too," he grinned and I spun on my heels to face him again avoiding the gaze of my father.

Does he not know this blade would hurt him more than a sharp crisp one?

I stalked up to him and in that moment, I lost all feeling in my body, everything including my conscience faded into nothing.

The look on the boy's face changed from amusement to fear as my face twitched contorting into a sinister smile.

My little hand gripped the blade and brought it up to his neck and he let out a breath blowing the loose strands out of my face. Our eyes locked and now I just saw fear. Automatically yet slowly I dragged the rugged metal across his neck not harming him and he shivered as the cold metal touched him.

"Papa said to," I whispered drawing back the blade and plunging it straight into the middle of his throat never breaking eye contact.

I felt the warm liquid run down on my small hands spewing out uncontrollably and his body fell limp. His eyes were frozen now, he never looked away and all the life was drained out of them.

The sound of clapping echoed through the room making me turn around to find my father holding his hands together with a pleased look.

He said nothing as he left the room and the huge metal lock clicked from the outside.

He left me in here, locked me inside to stay with the body of the boy I just murdered in cold blood. I turned back to face the boy and pulled out the rugged knife from his throat taking the red rag from the table and wiping the blade clean. I then placed it back in the same position I found it and closed the boy's eyes as they no longer peaked my interest.

It was late, I knew it was. The lights in the room suddenly went off leaving me in the darkness and I slowly walked to the corner of the room and sat down closing my eyes.

I didn't feel anything, no guilt no remorse nothing. As I body moved in its own causing me to lay on the floor I drifted off to sleep letting my five year old mind dream of things it should.

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