Marty Mcfly>Back To The Future (Request)

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Requested by anmarauder 🤩

You and your best friend Marty are strolling through the parking lot by JcPenny

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You and your best friend Marty are strolling through the parking lot by JcPenny. The store has closed up for the night, so you and him ended up leaving when it was time to do so. You have something on your mind, it's troubling you and you desperately need to get it out. 'This is driving me absolutely batty. I need to tell some point. Or, perhaps now would be a good time!' you think to yourself. As you are caught up in your thoughts, Marty is talking about some story with Doc Brown in it.

"Yeah, Doc and I, we revisited some old tapes he's made in the past. They were pretty cool if you ask me." He continues rambling on, until he saw that you are hardly paying attention to him. "Y/n? Are you listening to my story or am I boring you to death?" he asks you while chuckling. You snap back to reality once you realize he stopped sharing his story. "Oh, I'm so sorry! I just...I kinda got sidetracked." you say nervously and bite your lip.

He raised his eyebrows and looked at you. "Hmm, that's interesting. Were you lost in your thoughts or something?" he asks you curiously. You look into his eyes, they are so dazzling to you. You sigh and stop walking suddenly. Marty looks at you confused and he puts his hands in his jean pockets. "What's on your mind, y/n? Is something wrong?" he asks you with a hint of concern in his voice. You bite your lower lip again, and you look down at the ground. "Y/n, what's going on? You're acting kinda off." he says. You glance back up at his face again and fold your arms across your chest. "Marty, there's something I tell you." you mutter sorta quietly. He nods at you and he gives you his undivided attention. "Okay, go for it." he says grinning at you.

You take a deep breath in and slowly let it out. "Marty...this is kinda hard for me to admit to you. P-please don't judge me or get mad at me." you very anxiously say and he nods. At this point, you feel like you can't really look him in the eyes now. 'I'm just gonna get this over with!' you think to yourself. "Marty, I'm...I think I'm falling for you." you admit to him. He looks at you surprised, but doesn't say a single word. You close your eyes, you feel like you are going to puke from how much of a nervous wreck you are at the current moment.

You anticipate for him to respond, but still, no words are said for another minute or two. Possibly, even more than just that amount of time. You open your eyes to see that he's facing away from you now. Marty's speechless, he has no clue as to how he can reply to that. "Marty?" you call out his name. He turns around to face you again and he is frowning. Your heart is racing and you feel that your face is heating up. "Oh, y/n, uh..." his voice trails off as he scratches the back of his neck nervously. "I'm not quite sure how to tell you this but...okay, actually, what do you mean by you're falling for me?" he asks you and he looks like he's a little distressed.

"I-I mean like, I'm in love with you Marty. That's what I...what I meant by that." you stutter and hesitantly say back. He sighs and walks over to you, then places his hand on your shoulder. "I'm sorry, but I don't feel the same way about you." he said frowning once again. You feel like a piece of your heart shatters, and tears begin forming. You look at him and nod your head. "Oh, that's...that's okay, I understand." you attempt to smile, but you feel very hurt inside (I don't blame you). He looks at you concerned, but smiles back. "I truly am sorry, y/n, but that's just how it is." he pats your shoulder.

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