Ferris Bueller>Ferris Bueller's Day Off

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Imagine you and Ferris are gonna ditch for the day, and things are a bit awkward at the moment

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Imagine you and Ferris are gonna ditch for the day, and things are a bit awkward at the moment...Ferris and you like each other btw!

You and your BFF Ferris Bueller were gonna take the day off from school. You guys had plan this, and have decide to drag along Cameron Frye, your guys's BFF too-which Cam isn't exactly thrilled about it much. You understand why though, who knows about Ferris.

You were hanging out at Ferris's house, you and both faked being sick, and you got there after your parents and his parents to go to work. You were a junior as well as your BFF Sloane, who has a BIG crush on Cameron. Ferris and Cameron are seniors, how would things turn out if you and Ferris get together?

"We're currently studying Europe Socialism, and I do have a test today, that wasn't bulls**t." Ferris says while getting undressed to take a shower, you felt unbelievably awkward right now (I would be honestly!). But right after he was done talking, he pulled down his underwear and pants 😮😶😳.

"Aaahhhhh!" You scream running out of the bathroom while covering your eyes. Ferris immediately was frozen. 'Crap! It didn't even cross my mind' Ferris thinks as he face palms himself. He quickly puts on his robe and ties it, then runs out of the bathroom. He was looking for you, but you weren't in his room. You kind of liked what you saw, but was so ashamed and embarrassed to even think about it! You sat in the kitchen with your face in your hands. 'Goddamn! How in the hell did Ferris not realize what he was doing??' You think to yourself. Ferris eventually finds you in the kitchen, he hesitantly walks over to other side of the table. He felt awkward being right next to you, you look up at him for a second when you realize he's there, but then you quickly look down at the table, biting your nails nervously. At least he's not naked this time!

Ferris just kind of stands there looking at you anxiously, and taps the table with his left hand

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Ferris just kind of stands there looking at you anxiously, and taps the table with his left hand. After a minute or two, Ferris speaks up and looks you straight in the eyes. "I-I'm so sorry y/n, it went completely over my head. I wasn't thinking, I'm really sorry that you saw me nude." He stutters a bit. You grin at him, you aren't mad or bothered by him, just kind of weirded out. "Don't worry about it Ferris, it's fine." You reassure him with a smile on your face.

He smiles at you nervously, and looks away. You get up and walk over towards him. "Ferris, it's okay! Really...now go take a shower." You say. He nods his head, and starts walk towards the staircase, but then turns around to face you again. "Are you sure you aren't bothered?" He asks with his eyebrows furrowed. "Yes, I'm sure Ferris, I promise!" You smile at him as you make your way to him. You both go upstairs, you have something on your mind.

"Come to think of it, I need to take a shower myself." You say as you enter Ferris's bedroom and sit down on his bed. Ferris appears in the doorway and looks you. "Well, if you want t-" You cut him thinking that he's gonna suggest something that deep down, you want to do, but you want to say no. "No, I'm not going to shower with you Ferris." You say folding your arms and glaring at him.

Ferris looks a little shocked but also a tiny bit hurt. "I was just gonna say that if you wanted to take a shower, there's always the bathroom downstairs." You have no idea why exactly, but you start to feel a bit offended. "Why? Do you think my body looks disgusting or something you rich jerk?!" You exclaim. He looked hurt and confused. "No, of course not! It's just that for one: you seemed bothered by the thought of you and me showering together, second: you and I aren't dating, and third: I was trying to be polite and not weird you out again." He scowls at you. Your insecurities really came out here...

"But you took it the wrong way!" Ferris says a bit upset now and throwing his hands in the air. You think about it...first reaction kills! You run to the bathroom, and hug Ferris, even though the robe is half way off of his body! "Ferris, I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me, I just...I'm very sensitive." You say feeling guilt and regret. He grins at you, but then his smile quickly fades and his eyes go wide. "It's alright y/n, I understand. Umm, y/n?" Ferris asks nervously. You look at his face and look puzzled.

"What's wrong?" You ask him. "My towel is about to fall off!" He says panicking, you let go of him. You grab his robe, and pull it over him while looking away. "Thanks." He says blushing, you notice this and start blushing slightly too. "Why are you blushing?" You ask him smiling. "N-nothing. Just get out o-out!" He pushes you out of the bathroom and quickly shuts the door. You don't blame him, he's just very embarrassed! This day is going to be VERY interesting.

After about 20 minutes, Ferris comes with a towel wrapped around his head and one around his waist. He mutters something to himself as goes into his room.

 He mutters something to himself as goes into his room

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You're laying on his bed, sleeping peacefully. He smiles and gently shakes you awake, you open your eyes and smile at him. "I'm sorry to disturb you, but I need to get dressed." He says while covering himself.

You nod your head, and exit the room and shut the door. "Stop being sorry constantly!" You shout to him from outside his bedroom door. "Okay." He responds. "Let's go get Cameron now!" Ferris comes out of his room dressed (thank god!) and walks to you. You smile at him, then you both start to head downstairs when you stop him. "Ferris...let's never speak of what happened earlier, got it? Not even Cameron, no one needs to know." You look him in the eyes, and grab his right arm. "I agree with you, let's never talk about it!" He agrees and you both laugh. Then you both go and pick up Cameron.

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