Duckie Dale>Pretty In Pink (Request)

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(This was requested by MirandaGarnica ! 😊)

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(This was requested by MirandaGarnica ! 😊)

"I'm really into Blane, he's just...I don't know how to describe it really. But anyways, I just had my first kiss with him this morning!" Andie twirls around and gets lost in thought of what happened earlier this morning. Miranda flashes her a fake smile and nods. "Really?! How did it go?" She asks with some slight awkwardness in her voice. Miranda has never had her first kiss before, and it is one of her insecurities. The two girls are hanging out "Trax"-which is where Andie happens to work at.

"Oh, it was so nice Miranda, like you wouldn't believe." Andie sighs happily and sits down next to Miranda and takes her hands into hers. "So Miranda...have you had your first kiss with anyone yet?" Miranda slowly shakes her head. 'Why do I feel so ashamed and insecure about this?' She thinks to herself.

"No?!" Andie exclaims and then gasps. That really didn't help much with Miranda's feelings. "Well I mean, why does it matter any-" Miranda began to say, only to get interrupted by Duckie Dale coming in the record store all of a sudden. "Hellooo there ladies!" Duckie greets you guys. He comes over and sits in between Andie and Miranda. "We're having girl talk if you don't mind." Andie informs him. "Can I join in on the conversation? Is it about that certain time of the month or boys? I'm all ears, so talk to me." Duckie says as he leans his face on the palm of his left hand and cross his legs.

Andie rolls her eyes at him and then looks at back at Miranda. She gets a real big smile on her face and then she turns to face Duckie. "How about this, Miranda has NEVER had her first kiss before." Duckie's eyes widen a bit and he turns to look at Miranda. "Never ever?" He asks her in a surprised tone. "Never." Andie says. Miranda blushes slightly and looks away. "Awe, look at her, she's embarrassed!" Andie says and giggles. Miranda feels like she wants to cry. 'Why does it matter? I mean, lots of people must feel the same way as I do right?' Miranda thinks to herself.

"Don't worry Miranda, I've never had my first kiss before either." Duckie places his hand on Miranda's shoulder. "Why not? You're adorable, Duckie!" Miranda quickly covers her mouth with her right hand. 'Crap, did I just admit that out loud??!' Miranda feels so embarrassed now. Andie looks shocked and Duckie slowly smiles. "Well thank you, and also...I could be your first kiss if you'd be comfortable with that Miranda." Duckie offers. "Are you just trying to humor me?" Miranda asks while she eyes him suspiciously.

"No, I want to because perhaps I like yo-no not that. Actually, I love you to pieces!" Duckie admits. Miranda is speechless, she grins at him and hugs him. "I love you to pieces also, who wouldn't?" Miranda coos. "Me." Andie jokes and then laughs. "Uh, rude!" Duckie pretends to be offended and scoffs in a sassy tone. Miranda grabs Duckie's face and kisses him, Duckie didn't expect it to happen, but he gave in. It was long and passionate, until someone slapped Duckie's back.

"Ow! What was that for?" Duckie exclaims as he feels a stinging pain. "I don't need anything that involves physical to happen in here!" Andie folds her arms and smirks at them. "Oh stop that, Andie! Nothing like that is gonna happen in here!" Duckie rolls his eyes and looks at Miranda smiling. "Well, now we've both had our first kiss." Miranda says and chuckles. "You guys should date each other." Andie makes a suggestion and unfolds her arms and grins. Miranda and Duckie look at each other for a moment and nod.

"What do ya say, Miranda? Wanna be my girlfriend?" Duckie asks her, looking into her eyes. Miranda smiles real big and nods her head. Then they start kissing again. "Maybe we should go on a double date sometime. Me and Blane, you and Duckie." Andie suggests. "That sounds like a great idea to me." Miranda says and Duckie nods in agreement.

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