Brian Johnson>The Breakfast Club (Request)

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Requested by bloodrosered 😎

Brian Johnson (who's your crush) is tutoring you after school on a Monday evening

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Brian Johnson (who's your crush) is tutoring you after school on a Monday evening. You can't help but keep looking at his adorable face as he sits next to you. He's tutoring you on trigonometry since you have trouble with it. You lean your face against your palm as you get lost in his beautiful blue eyes. You're partially paying attention to him, but at the same time, you are so distracted by him and he is not even doing anything on purpose.

"Math is pretty intriguing, I'm in a club based off of Math. Not only Math, but also Physics and a couple other ones too." he tells you not looking away from your assignment. 'It sucks to have a MEGA crush on him, but I just can't help it!' you think to yourself. "Yeah." Is all you say as you look at his lips. "Ah, I see where you went wrong here. You're on the right track, but no-" he stops talking once he notices you staring at his face.

He waves his hand in front of your face...doesn't even faze you. He furrows his eyebrows and snaps his fingers...nope, still doesn't work. "Y/n?" he attempts to bring you back to reality. You don't respond, he sighs and then taps you on the shoulder. "Earth to y/n, quit zoning out!" he firmly demands. Now, you finally break out of your daydream. "Huh?" you immediately begin to blush, "Oh, my bad!" you giggle.

He grins and checks out your assignment again. "Y/n, I don't mean to come off as a jerk, but you NEED to focus on your assignment. You asked if I could help you out, and I'm trying to do so. I'm doing my part but you really need to do yours as well." he tells you. You feel your face instantly heat up once again. "You're right, Brian. My apologies." you say.

He shakes his head and says-"Don't apologize, that's not necessary." he puts his hand on your shoulder. "By the way, I already know you how you truly feel about me anyway." that caught you off guard. "What? I don't understand." you try to act all innocent and lie to him, but he's not buying it. He rolls his eyes at you and chuckles. "Being a fibber isn't necessary either." he smirks at you. You widen your eyes and go to say something, but stop yourself.

You smile at him nervously and start to tap your fingers anxiously on the table. "It's alright, I like you too." he admits. You start to feel light headed and also feel butterflies in your stomach. "I'm glad to hear that honestly, you have no idea man!" you laugh. You guys continue your tutoring session and eventually go home.

80's Gif imagines/preferencesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن