Duckie Dale>Pretty In Pink

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(You're responding to the gif! In this imagine-Duckie has feelings for you instead of Andie!)

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(You're responding to the gif! In this imagine-Duckie has feelings for you instead of Andie!)

"Hi Duckie, and welcome to hell on earth." you glare at him and start walking away. "Hold on a second there tiger. Where are you heading to right now?" Duckie catches up to you. You stop walking and turn to face him then fold your arms. "Where do you th-" someone taps you on your shoulder, you turn and see a girl who looks annoyed. "Can you move please?"

You nod and move to the left side of the hallway, along with Duckie too. "You know, I was going to correct her and say that she should've said excuse me instead." He smirks at you. You roll your eyes at him and grin. "She said please at least, isn't that fine?" He nods in agreement. "I know, that's why I didn't say anything to her." He says. "I was going to say originally, that I'm going to a jail cell pretty much." Duckie scoffs at your comment.

"Good lord, y/n, be positive for once will you?" You shake your head at him and groan out of frustration. "How exactly do you, Duckie?" You exclaim. He smiles like he's got some lightbulb going off in his head. "You make things positive. You'd bring positivity into my life" he says and he smiles at you. "Me?" You blush at him, you do have a crush on him. "Do you like me?" He asks you suddenly. "Oh yes. You make me have sexual dreams about you often, and make my heart just want to practically explode." you smile at him, you said that in slightly a sarcastic tone. He looks like a deer in headlights and his eyes widen.

"R-really??" You laugh at his face. "Oh, you're so precious Duck-man." You start walking away from him, but he grabs your right arm and pulls you back to him. "Were you actually being serious just now y/n?" you sigh and look down at the floor. "Why would it matter...especially to you?" you mutter quietly. He starts to say something, but you manage to get out of his grip and walk away. "Y/n, please tell me. Do you have feelings for me?" you're so unbelievably overwhelmed right now, you feel like crying from awkwardness. "I'll tell you later Duckie!" you shout to him as you walk away to your first class of the day.

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