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0. Oc's are allowed.

1. NO OP PEOPLE! Dont make them a fucking goddess or fox make them have a real quirk. -_-

2.Dont take over the Rp.

3. Cursing is allowed 

4. If there is more characters you would like to play, please tell me whom I and you are gonna be. I will not get the hint. 

4. If your gonna rp with me, remember: I will maybe spam you in an hour or two.

5. Dont make the Rp just about your Oc, making the plot all about them
  It gets boring and I dont like it.

6. Please dont just say that you know whom they are, or that your not afriad. it pisses me off everytime. AT LEAST make them confused, or shaking. or just keeping there distance. Basically just show some emotion once something is off in the rp. It gets boring.

7. Tell me when your gonna abandon this rp. (lots of people have done it to me) I worrie sick.

8. Be specific.  Dont go-

She follows.

At least go like-

She followed with a stern look on her face. She didnt know exactly were she was going, but she was cautious.

It pisses me off. At least have 1-2 sentences.

9. You may not have 2 or more rps. Just. Dont forget about them-

10. I AM NOT SPEAKING TO YOU IN GENERAL, I AM SPEAKING TO THE CHARACTER. So if I'm being rude or insulting the CHARACTER, I am not meaning to insult you.

(I'm adding another rule. So. Yea.)
11. If you rp with me, and you say some shit like going away from the plot, I WONT KNOW WHAT TO FUCKING DO LIKE: OH OK ILL JUST DRIVE THE (rp scenario) OVER TO YOU, LIKE. DONT DO THAT. I. WILL. NOT. KNOW. WHAT. THE. FUCK. TO. SAY.  So. Dont just go away from the plot, stay with the plot. I mean, if your gonna be 'she pretended to walk away' or 'he went to the other room he was told to be' then that's ok. Kk. Just. Please dont do that shit. /^\
I will stop your rp.

12. *wheeze* so. Here's another one.
I know theres alot of chapters in here, so if you want you can find the first few chapters amusing but please look through SOME of the book. Like. More then 20-?

Thank you!
Love you! No homo.

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