Into the Dream pt 3

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So sorry  for keeping everyone waiting for 3 months! Honestly I've had writers block and bad procrastination lol

"Thanks everyone for coming to the Hidden Leaf Chuunin selection exam! We will now start the main tournament matches between the eight participants who made it through the preliminaries. Please stay and watch until the end!" Orochimaru exclaimed once he got everyone's attention.

"Alright guys, this is the final test." The proctor said to the genin. "This arena is different, but the rules are the same. Now, the first fight, Naruto Uzumaki and Neji Hyuga. Those two stay here while the rest of you go to the waiting room."

Ko and the rest of the genin went up to the waiting area looking down at Naruto and Neji waiting for their match to begin. Ko looked down at the two wondering how the match would end. Neji was an excellent student and strong while the rumors she heard about Naruto weren't that good; but she knew he had some tricks up his sleeve. She heard a lot about him from her Father since he was sent there almost every day. As soon as the proctor started the match, Naruto vowed that Neji would lose; while Neji activated his Byakugan causing Naruto to show his legendary clones drawing kunai. Ko walked forward towards the railing and sat down setting her legs in between the bars letting them dangle. The sword on her back started to feel uncomfortable so she rested it on her lap.

"Why are you sitting?" Niko questioned.

"It's going to be a while until my match starts. Better to sit and relax instead of standing until my legs hurt." Ko replied as she glanced up at her teammate looking at the bandages that were wrapped around her arms. She trained very hard in the past month causing some injury to her limbs.

Naruto's clones charged towards Neji but he easily defeated them with only taijutsu. Once the clones disappeared, Neji started to mock Naruto about being Hokage.

"Ugh why the chit chat? This is a battle." Ko complained as she rested her head on the bars.

Naruto responded by creating even more clones attacking Neji once more but he ran through the crowd of Naruto's attempting to attack the original. Neji ran at the Naruto towards the back of the group hitting his pressure point causing blood to come out of Naruto's mouth. Neji gloated on how he found the original but was dumbfounded when Naruto disappeared. Two Narutos' snuck up behind Neji.

"Heh, the one weakness to the Byakugan, that blind-spot of theirs." Ko thought as she watched Naruto punch Neji.

Unfortunately, Naruto's attempt was thwarted when Neji revealed a technique he kept up his sleeve which made an orb of chakra appear around him as he twisted around which sent both Narutos' away.

"Neji had improved greatly since graduation," Ko thought with a smirk.

Neji got into a stance then rushed towards Naruto hitting his chakra points over and over again, sending him to the ground. Everyone thought Naruto would stay down, but he slowly rose to his feet surprising everyone.

"I told you, I'm not good at giving up." He said weakly.

The two opponents started to talk again about the preliminaries when Neji almost killed his friend Hinata. Neji then removed his headband revealing the curse of the Hyuga Clan shocking Naruto.

"This match is getting pretty boring with all this talking." Ko commented catching a few glances but then their eyes went back to the match.

Everyone watched as Neji ran towards Naruto slamming his hand on the blonde's chest making him fly back and slide across the ground.

"Heh, damn loser." Neji said as he turned away from Naruto already claiming victory but he stopped when he heard Naruto getting to his feet.

"D..don't run away." Naruto stammered as he gained his balance.

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