Plan revealed

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The Final Exam was only one week away which made Ko get impatient. She feels like a month is too long of a wait for training. Ko wandered around the village aimlessly taking a break from training but realized she was just as bored. She was walking down the main road of the village which was filled with people while humming the lullaby she had sung to the kid on their babysitting mission but started to get irritated dodging all of the villagers. Before she knew it, someone had run into her.

"Hey watch where you're going!" Ko shouted at the unknown person as she kept walking.

"Sorry," she heard a familiar voice reply which made her stop.

She looked over seeing Naruto on the ground rubbing his head.

"Naruto?" She questioned.

"Ko! Wow it's been forever since I saw you!" Naruto said with a smile.

"Uh yeah it has."

"Hey, I'm late for training, do you want to come with? Maybe he can teach you something new!" He said as he got to his feet then offering her his hand.

Ko looked at his hand for a moment then took it only to be yanked up and dragged by Naruto.

"H-hey!" Ko stammered as Naruto dragged her out of the village gates.

"We'll be there soon Ko. He's over by the hot springs!"

"Hot springs?"

"Yeah, he's been training me over there!"

Naruto dragged Ko to the hot springs then finally loosened his grip on her wrist. Ko yanked her arm away and dropped it to her side. Naruto started to look around leaving Ko standing still just watching him.

"Hey Pervy Sage! Where are you?!" Naruto shouted.

"Pervy Sage?" Ko questioned raising a brow then looked over at her teammate who was frantically looking for his new sensei.

"Wait, Sage? The only Sage I know of is Jiraiya." Ko thought to herself.

Giggling was heard from the bushes catching Ko's attention. She walked towards them seeing a man with spiky white hair crouched down looking at the women in the hot springs.

"Ugh, it is him."

Ko grabbed him by the collar dragging him out of the bushes glaring down at him. This was the first time she had ever seen him, so she took in his appearance wondering why her father was friends with him in the past. He had waist-length spiky white hair tied back into a ponytail with his shoulder length bangs framing his face. Red line extended from the corner of his eyes down to his jaw. His attire consisted of a green short shirt kimono with matching pants.

"Hey hey hey! What are you doing?" He protested.

"Stopping you from peeping on innocent women." Ko said with anger in her voice.

"Pervy Sage! There you are!" She heard Naruto say from a distance.

"If he's such a perv, you should've known where to find him." Ko scolded.

Jiraiya looked up at Ko with hearts forming in his eyes when he saw her. He quickly got to his feet forgetting the past few minutes.

"Naruto! Is this the lovely Sakura you were talking about? So beautiful and strong."

Ko punched Jiraiya's side making him groan in pain.

"Hell no. My name is Ko; I'm not that stupid Sakura." Ko retorted as she glared up at the older man.

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