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"What do you mean you don't want me to come?!" Hikaru shouted with frustration. I could see the fury building in his eyes as I told him again.

"You are staying here." I responded trying to compose myself. "You said it yourself, you need to make money again so settle here."

"But we're a team! You're my girlfriend!" He shouted but there wasn't anger in his eyes, only pain.

"Why are you getting angry about this?" I questioned him feeling a bit insulted that we were having a fight over this.

"Because I want to be with you Ko, I don't want to be here wondering if you're alive or dead. I can't handle not knowing." He explained which made sense, but I wasn't a helpless child.

"I can take care of myself! I have a four man team anyway to assist me!" I shouted letting the anger take hold.

"Stay with me! I should be the one protecting you! We are the only Himura left and we need to be together."

"I don't need protection! Being a shinobi is my life and I have a purpose, I can't sit in a town and do nothing. I also can't be worrying about you during battle while going up against the Akatsuki. You hardly have any experience fighting, stay here and be safe."

"I can't sit here knowing you're in danger!"

"This is my life Hikaru! I've been in danger since I was born and cheated death plenty of times. I can't have you in danger! I...I can't lose another family member!" I shouted as my voice cracked. Tears threatened to fall but I held them back. Losing another person that was close to me wasn't an option.

I turned my back to him making a hand sign teleporting out of the room and reappeared in the middle of town which startled a few civilians. I simply ignored their stares and walked forward wanting to clear my mind and forget about that stupid fight.

"What the hell is his problem? Thinking I needed protection, hmph the nerve of him. Orochimaru, the powerful Sannin's daughter needing protection? Pitiful, I've taken care of myself my whole life and haven't died yet." I thought as I trudged through the streets avoiding the constant stares. "What makes him think he can protect me? I've been protecting his ass in every fight because he can't handle it."

"Oi, Ko!" I heard from behind me which made my body freeze. I knew who it was but his stupidity made my guard go up.

"That idiot, I'm a wanted criminal, someone could've heard him."

I turned around to face Suigetsu and Karin which I found odd, just from the few moments I've seen them together, I knew they despised one another.

"What do you want?" I questioned with a harsh tone making the two glance at each other before speaking again.

"W-we wanted t-to," Karin started before being interrupted by Suigetsu.

"We were on our way to lunch and saw you so you wanna join us?" He finished only to be whacked on the head by the angry Uzumaki.

I raised a brow and looked between the two. "If you keep hitting him like that he won't have any braincells left." I commented as I walked closer towards them.

Karin was still wary of my presence while Suigetsu acted as if he'd known me for years greeting me with a toothy smile. They reminded me of Naruto and Sakura which made my heart slightly clench; I did miss the old team.

"You got money to pay?" I questioned the two honestly only interested in this conversation if they had enough money to pay for me also.

"Of course I do doll," Suigetsu replied as his smile widened.

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