Into the Dream pt 1

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It was quiet as Orochimaru ran through the forest searching for something that had been taken from him. As he ran, he heard a faint cry to his right making him stop in his tracks. He listened for the cry again and could sense three chakra signatures not too far from his location. As the cries continued, he recognized who was crying, his daughter Ko. He ran towards the noise remaining hidden as he watched three Rain shinobi carrying his daughter who was tied up by rope. She was being carried over the shoulder by a young man with blonde hair and green eyes. The other two were women most likely sisters from there matching orange hair and green eyes.

Orochimaru's eyes were focused on his daughter who had tears streaming down her face with fear. The poor toddler looked scared which he couldn't blame her for; this was her first interaction with people.

"I don't understand why Lady Angel wants this brat." The male of the group complained with a sour look on his face. "She won't stop crying."

"Shima! Don't call her a brat! I think she's cute." The shorter girl exclaimed in a ear piercing tone making Orochimaru cringe.

"She's the enemy Kuro, one day she'll become a killer and kill you." Her sister said then glared at the scared child.

"This little thing? No way." Kuro laughed patting the toddler's head which angered Orochimaru. He saw the way Ko flinched at her touch knowing it wasn't gentle.

"Her Father is a Sannin, she'll be a killer just like her Father."

Orochimaru had enough of them talking about his daughter. He summoned two large snakes to attack the girls while he dealt with the boy carrying Ko. Using wind ninjutsu, he separated the team and watched his snakes slither towards the girls. He sprinted in the direction the boy flew finding his daughter had gotten free from him and started to crawl away. He made a clone quickly grabbing her making the clone head back to the Leaf Village while he dealt with the intruders. The man looked up at Orochimaru, but his eyes did not hold fear which Orochimaru had wanted.

"Heh, so the Hokage himself came after us." He chuckled knowing he wasn't going to make it back home. "We expected you to send out your lacky's which we could've easily taken out but now that it's you, this turned out to be a suicide mission." He finished as he reached into his pocket taking out a pill. "Those girls better be ready to die." He commented as he ingested the pill.

Orochimaru dashed forward grabbing the young man's throat partly crushing his trachea making him cough up blood along with the pill.

"Looks like you're not." Orochimaru hissed with a wicked smile. He looked to his right seeing his two snakes slither out of the brush with full stomachs. "You won't have to worry about your female teammates. They were easy prey for my snakes." He chuckled as the man's eyes widened. "Now, why did you kidnap my daughter?" Orochimaru questioned as he put more pressure onto his throat.

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